Imperial Entertainment TV and Movies > Star Wars Movies

Rogue One

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I was reading the film will take place during the same era as episode 7 so perhaps it could be wedge's daughter since they have casted a female already and it would make up for not having female pilots in star wars. Its all speculation right now I'm more excited about this than the bounty hunter movie.


--- Quote from: JDeck on March 13, 2015, 06:43:02 PM ---I was reading the film will take place during the same era as episode 7 so perhaps it could be wedge's daughter since they have casted a female already and it would make up for not having female pilots in star wars. Its all speculation right now I'm more excited about this than the bounty hunter movie.
--- End quote ---

According to the article, Felicity Jones has been cast as the female lead. My friend said she's a good actress. So Wedge's daughter (if they go that way) would make sense. Keep in mind anything EU is being discarded.

Then again, it would be a nice way to keep the Antilles' name going in the films, as Denis Lawson had no interest in returning to portray Wedge again. As a huge Wedge fan I'm highly disappointed. With that, I hope Wedge isn't in the movie. It would be weird to have someone else portray him. Maybe have someone say he retired, I'd be happy with that.

  Wedge was played by a couple different actors Colin Higgins in the briefing room and Dennis lawson in the battle scene. plus they dubbed his voice by an american David Ankrum  because bad guys had British accents for the most part with few exceptions. So they can replace him pretty easily. I could see him playing a small part in the movie like a General in a briefing room scene. I want to be surprised when I see it but my curiosity is killing me. I just want to know if it'll be good or not. Ya know.

I will be honest, if they don't have Wedge in their in some capacity (even showing up to add a bit of help in a dire time) I am gonna be disappointed. I know its the OT Boy in me, and I am glad to think perhaps we will see some female X-Wing Pilots, but Wedge deserves his own movie in my opinion.

Denis Lawson has already made comments that he wasn't returning to TFA.  However I did hear a rumor he turned it down because it would be a minor role. If Rogue One is about Rogue Squadron, they could indeed get Denis Lawson back for Wedge, as the commanding officer. The role could be bigger then what he had in the OT.

To me, Denis Lawson IS Wedge. I want him or nobody.


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