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The Flight Deck: The Life of an Alliance Ace



New year, new opportunities is the mantra to kick off this new year.  Ever since I graduated high school, my career has mostly been underground mining.  It's a long time family tradition, and aside from that it's a great paying job around here in Indiana.  We were told in a meeting before the holidays that there were going to be some layoffs come the new year due to loss of coal contracts to other companies.  Well the the new year has come and gone, and I find myself on the short end of the stick so to speak.  Myself, along with about twenty others were let go. Figures.  So here I am on the outside looking in as far as employment goes.  I'm not totally unemployed, I have fallen back working as a small time bartender to maintain rent and gas money.  As I type this blog, I am researching other "trade" skills to look into and wanting/hoping I can get an apprenticeship somewhere.  I enjoyed working underground, but the field is too unstable and people lose their jobs too easily it feels like.  It's time for a change.  I'll try to keep this spot posted on that. 

Basketball season is in full swing, and as a proud Hoosier, I am excited!  I watch and follow basketball from high school level on up to the pros.  I live in a small community so we do kind of take our basketball more seriously than neighboring areas.  My high school alma malter has only lost one game this season and has advanced to the finals in our local invitational (Go Wolverines!)  My Hoosiers have made a statement this year by not only beating #1 ranked Kentucky, but knocking off #2 ranked Ohio State!  It's been a long time since I've been this excited about IU basketball.  Also outside from a crushing defeat at the hands of the Heat, the Pacers have started out strong this season, and hopefully they can go deep into the playoffs this season, I guess we'll see.

The holidays were great, I made out pretty well I think.  Got some support for my fledgling rebel fleet with the additions of a Y-Wing and B-Wing.  Also my best friend came through for me and surprised  me with a Vintage Collection Wedge Antilles!  What a great guy!  I also managed to score a kindle e-reader and am catching up on some EU novels with it. 

Things haven't been off to the greatest of starts in 2012, but I am hopeful that they will turn around in due time.  If interested keep watching this space, I'm new to this blogging thing but I figured the new year was as good a time as any to start.

Sorry to hear about your job.

Congrats on the Wedge. I never did see one. Yet.

Luke Sprywalker:
Sorry to hear all the bad news. Sadly there are so many people in the same boat. My work/income is no where near what it was about 2 1/2 to 3 years ago. Been steady down hill since then.

That is awesome to get Wedge! I too have never seen him in the wild.

Thanks guys.  It does seem life has been rough for a lot of people.  If there were a silver lining to the situation, it's that I'm young enough (I think) that a career change won't affect me as it would someone who is more deeply rooted with a family or something similar.  Wedge was a surprise though!  I couldn't believe it when I opened it on christmas.  Hate to think what he paid for it...


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