Author Topic: Episode IX  (Read 5459 times)

Offline Darth More

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Re: Episode IX
« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2020, 02:21:14 PM »
I agree. My brother and I were excited for the fact that Disney would do Episode VII-IX. So we went to the Midnight premiere back in December 2015. But we went there with no expectations. Nor did we ever want to hate Star Wars - something we couldn't even imagine back then.
And I think this is the point that fans of the Sequels don't (want to) understand about fans who don't like the Sequels. It's not that those fans ever wanted to think about Star Wars in a negative way.
People being in rage wouldn't get that emotional if they didn't care so much about it.
And those people probably don't uderstand why others like or even love the Sequels. I think it's very sad to see the fanbase being so divided. And I think calming down and respecting what everyone likes for her- and himself is the best way to go.
Star Wars should bring joy and as you say, sometimes it's even necessary to not think about it at all.
My brother and I got the Impression that many movie goers just buy everything no matter of its quality.

But tastes are different so be it.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2020, 02:22:45 PM by Darth More »

Offline RC-1136

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Re: Episode IX
« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2020, 06:02:35 PM »
The problem with the Sequels is they tried to please the Fandom menace. When the prequels came out, they said they wanted something more like the original trilogy. Then TFA was too much like the original star wars. Then TLJ was too unexpected, now TROS has too much fan service or whatever. When you try to please everyone, you please no one. TROS tried to please the Fandom menace by undoing TLJ, then the Reyloers with the kiss, but no one is happy at the end.

They could have made a really good trilogy, but they screwed it up. JJ didn't really want to do it, but they enticed him with more money. They should have gotten someone who really wanted to take on the sequel trilogy and come up with a plan for it. Having said all that, I still find them enjoyable, TROS being the best. Sometimes you have to shut your brain off and enjoy.

I keep seeing that comment/thought process again and again and again from hundreds of people.
This immediately comes to mind:

And before anyone tries to come after The Fandom Menace a lot of what "surrounds" them have already been debunked:

I remember two years ago this "study" was the narrative:

But now, we have come full circle from that. The merchandise and the fan base have spoken. The casual "fans" that modern LucasFilm/Disney sought as the "chosen" won't support these films years from now. As in DM's example, they will go back to their smart phones. They have spat in our faces and expect us to still buy their products. Hell no. Without respect, we reject. I pay for Disney+ because of the Clone Wars and The Mandalorian - I want to send a clear message. I want them to invest in things the fans care about. Not things that they don't.

And while Marvel x Star Wars is "apples to oranges" it has been labeled as "The Star Wars of this Generation." I can't agree more. DM has proven that Star Wars beyond the current format is "dated" to younger people. The same problems persist in Predator, Alien, Terminator, etc...

These companies don't care about people, they only care about money and messages they want to send. That is abundantly clear.

Oh, but wait. The true "toxic fans" are revealed as the actual bad people all along. As we've said for a long, long time:

And what's worse? People are defending a company that's the epitome of the Empire. They are the bad guys. They will continue to re-hash and revive old franchise and milk them until the end of time for half-baked products that the pre-existing fans think are a cheap imitation. The fan base (while not perfect, but the majority of rude trolls come from 4chan and everyone knows it), the media has written countless smear pieces to call Star Wars fans a litany of names. I have family who work there and I can personally attest to this:
I'll save you the click. Your job is to keep the illusion of Disney alive
In my six years working as a Walt Disney World "cast member" (that's what they called us), I did everything from working attraction lines, to taking pictures of park guests with costumed characters, to being an actual costumed character (more on that one in a minute). And there was a lot of stuff I learned there, but I think above all else it was this:

When you go to work at Disney, your most important job is to keep the illusion of Disney alive. There were always seven or eight of us walking around the park at one time in Mickey Mouse costumes, but when people would ask, "How many Mickeys are there here?", the answer was always, "One." And for whatever time those guests are in the park, they really believe it. It's like a daylong suspension of disbelief.

I feel for George. I would personally apologize. I hate how he was treated for the prequels. The same truly bad fans (the ones who usually hate the prequels but praise the sequels) forced him to turn somewhere else to make a Star Wars vision... what he thought was best. With someone he thought he could trust. Iger basically confirms conning George in his book, The Greatest Ride. It's a mixed bag in time to be a Star Wars fan...
« Last Edit: January 06, 2020, 06:38:54 PM by RC-1136 »
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Re: Episode IX
« Reply #17 on: January 07, 2020, 01:19:29 AM »