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My Imperial Army-Build W.I.P.

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--- Quote from: Tamer on February 02, 2023, 03:44:26 AM ---I started to do the math, but then stopped. Wow, thats a lot of troopers.

--- End quote ---
Once my preorders come in I'll have roughly 550. 10x Aldhani Mission Andor, 5x Mortar troopers, 4x scout so far. My objective is 600, 200 per shelf. I need more allocated to the Navy shelf and the Armored company. So any new stormtroopers, will go to navy. Not sure how many Piett/Jergerrod figures I'll get, probably between 1-10. Probably get a few Remnant Scouts, one more clean scout. Then hope to fill the holes with whatever new comes until I reach 600.

I got 6/10 of my Andor Aldhani troopers. I'm making them my logistical engineers. So I made 3 into officers. From left to right; Commander, first lieutenant, second lieutenant. I made rank plaques using green stuff, and painted them yellow and red because technically they're in engineering.   Im not sure what I'll do with the rest. Maybe NCO arm bands, red, and white.

Great idea, they look good. Off to share.

I like how these guys turned out. Nice job on the rank insignias - they're really small, so kudos! I like the variety of heads you used, too.


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