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The People vs. George Lucas - Did Lucas spoil your childhood?

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The People vs. George Lucas... First off its a must see, very funny with some unashamed Star Wars love.

The most interesting point raised was older fans dissappointment with the Prequals. Some saying they had the effect of raping the wonderful childhood memories by ruining the the original saga. Others made the point that the new generation of fans preferred the Prequals so Lucas achieved his goals.

It poses the question: should Lucad have made films that appealed to an older audience or for kids... Did you have your childhood raped or do you think Lucas justifiably made the Prequals for a new generation?

I think the prequels are terribly flawed films, and I really dislike the retroactive meddling Lucas has done to the original trilogy.  I understand that they are his films, he created them and gave them to us, but on that same note, it so enthralled a generation that I really don't believe it's possible to say that the films belong to him anymore; they belong to the fans, and for him to go back and continuously meddle with them to bring them in line with the more CGI-happy and 3-year-old friendly feel of the prequels... that disappoints me as a lifelong fan.

I just want the ORIGINAL, UNALTERED trilogy, cleaned up.
I'd say that Adywan's Star Wars Revisited project has vastly improved over Lucas' re-re-re-releases in every possible way by keeping in what made the originals so very great and cutting out 99% of all of the changes Lucas made afterwards.

...But getting back to the original topic, the prequels suck.  Revenge of the Sith is the only partially-decent film of the lot, and even then it's fundamentally broken as a narrative.


A very well put reply.

I guess I'm still in the "I forgive Lucas as he created Star Wars in the first place" catagory, though what you say does ring true. If I can accuse George Lucas of anything, it's selfishness.

Personally the Prequals did not impress me. Episode 2 was a complete dissappointment and Ep3 was ok. All of the films are Star Wars but there is definately something missing for me. Saying that my kids prefer the Prequals, and when I was a kid my father hated Star Wars, so that's got to be worth something in this argument. The prequals appeal to the kids, in the same way that the Original Trilogy appealed to us when we were kids. Look at the Ewoks for Christ's sake, the Emperor's Elite Stormtroopers being overwhemed by stone throwing teddy bears....really?!?! For me the true magic still lies with Star Wars A New Hope and Empire, both of which have to be considered as two of the finest movies ever made.  

Did Lucas ruin the OT... in my opinion yes, that was my thought after I saw Episode 2. Did he destroy my childhood? no, but he put a dark cloud over one of my best memories. Am I Lucas still managed to create two of my favourite movies and a third that is a perfeclty acceptable conclusion to the three. I still need my Star Wars fix after 30 + years and I still get enjoyment from the experience.

The only good thing to come out of the prequals is the Clone Wars TV show, which I think is a beautiful work of art with some wonderful story telling.

I agree with you about ownership. Lucas is the creator but he doesn't own Star Wars , I think he owes the long term fans something a bit better than the prequals and a load of re-releases. We need something for us, and if he can't give it to us I am sure someone else will be able to pick up the torch. There has got to be a talented film maker out there who is as passionalte about Star Wars as we are, who could make one hell of a sequal...if only George wasn't so selfish with his creation.

You know, I won't lie; I walked out of the theater all three times for the prequels jabbering like an excitable monkey about what I had just seen.  Episode I was amazing, Episode II was huge in its sweep with a bittersweet love story, and Episode III was a tour de force (lol) of war drama and white-knuckle action.

...It was the next morning, and the following weeks, that it sunk in just how shoddy the story was.

I will say that when Lucas re-released the original trilogy in theaters back in the '90s, I had a much different feeling walking out of the theaters.  It actually made me feel more connected to my father, who was a HUGE Star Wars fan before he passed away in 1989; he instilled the love of the trilogy in me as a small child and after I waited in line for hours to see ANH in the theater, I walked out of the thing with tears in my eyes, knowing how my father must have felt in 1977, seeing it on the big screen for the first time.

That is something that the prequels just don't have.

It's interesting that your Father loved Star Wars,  mine just called it "Star Bores" .

So for me and you, and so many more of us, Lucas has let us down. And even though he set himself and almost impossible task, he could, and should, have done much better.

Now he owes us... he owes us big time. Star Wars has become bigger than the creator, he needs to let go of his feelings and listen to the Force!


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