Imperial Entertainment TV and Movies > Gaming Corner

What if....?


I was thinking the other day, and wouldn't it be fun if it ever happened (not likely), what if Lucasfilm made a Star Wars game like the Marvel Ultimate Alliance or X-Men Legends game?  Able to use 4 characters at one time, choosing between 30 or so to accomplish the game.  What setting would be best?  Which characters would you like to see used?  Here are my thoughts...

The game would take place during the Yuzhang Vong era.  There would be a mix of classic Star Wars Characters, both Rebel/Galactic Alliance and Empire, Sith and Jedi.  There would be Jedi, Sith, Bounty Hunters, and troops. Force users would have a variety of force powers to grow and traits to increase.  Others would have a variety of weapons to use, including bombs, rockets, rifles, and vibroknives, with traits like stealth, physique, and fighting abilities.  Here are some of the characters I'd have in my game...

Luke Skywalker
Mara Jade Skywalker
Han Solo
Leia Organa Solo
Jacen Solo (alternate, Darth Caedus)
Jaina Solo
Anakin Solo
Kyp Durron
Boba Fett
A'Sharaad Hett/Darth Krayt
Glactic Alliance Trooper

There are may fun possibilities.  Which characters would you like to see added?

a Republic Commando

Mirta Gev.


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