Author Topic: A Day In The Life of The Phat Kid  (Read 28591 times)

Offline Phatty

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Re: A Day In The Life of The Phat Kid
« Reply #120 on: October 09, 2011, 03:58:42 PM »
Shawn, let's shoot for a night this week or next that we can do a phone or skype chat and get that FTP cleaned up somewhat for sure.  I work my PT job this Monday and Wednesday, and next Monday and Thursday.  Other than that, I should be pretty much open.

I do have 2 books that are sitting on my nightstand, both of which need to be read. One is "Choices of One" by Timothy Zahn, taking place between ANH and TESB with Luke, Han, Leia, Chewey, and Mara Jade as the Emperor's Hand.  the other is "Dynasty of Evil," the third of the Darth Bane novels.  I so need to get going on these at night!

On that note, I have started a couple of custom pieces.  One being my entry for the Mandalorian contest, the other for a special project I have in mind, though have no idea how to execute in its finality.

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Re: A Day In The Life of The Phat Kid
« Reply #121 on: January 01, 2012, 08:58:38 PM »
Hello folks, and welcome to another chapter in the life of the Phat Kid.  Today we update with quite a few new twists and turns going on around me.  Let's see here, where to begin..

     -My home owners insurance, State Farm, dropped me in November.  Apparently, State Farm is there, but only if you're giving them lots of money and not asking for any in return.  I've filed 2 claims from storm damage to my roof, 3 years apart and different parts of my roof, so they would no longer provide coverage for my home.  Searching for homeowners insurance, especially when a company cancels you, is not a good time.  My rates almost doubled, and that was for a company who I'd never heard of through a local Insurance broker.  ON top of that, that company (Hallmark) dropped me as of December 4th because my front porch did not have a handrail.  My front porch never had a hand rail.  Now, it's really not a big deal.  I'd be happy to install one.  However, they gave me hardly a week's notice to do so and I was swamped with work at the time.  They wouldn't give me a chance to install one, they were out.  Fine.  Went to my mortgage company to see if they could do anything, which they could not, but they referred me to the insurance company that was partnered with them.  The woman there was all about taking care of me, and did everything she could to get me covered.  However, no one would cover me until I had a damn handrail.  So I called my father-in-law, who's a carpenter by trade, to see if he could help.  2 hours and $38 later, a hand rail was installed and I was covered.  They didn't even want handrails on both sides, nor did they want guard rails on the porch; just one handrail on one side.  Morons.  SO, at least I have insurance without any gaps, but I can't WAIT to see what my mortgage payment goes up to...

     -At about the same time, I had come home to my wife telling me that it was raining in the basement.  Apparently, the drain pipe to our kitchen sink and a leak somewhere in the wall and it was draining into the basement.  No big deal, I thought; I'll just cut away the back of the cabinet under the sink and replace that pipe, or at very least patch it.  Except that it didn't just go into the wall and down.  It went into the wall and 3 feet to the left, behind the rest of the cabinets and stove.  I'd have to remove my counter top, cabinets, and stove, cut into the wall and stud, remove the entire pipe, and put it all back.  Instead, we bought all new PVC piping, p-traps, t-drains, and directional T and made a whole new drain, leaving the existing pipe as only a vent pipe since it was still connected to the vent stack.  Sadly, I'm learning quite a bit about plumbing this year.  However, there is still a slight complication that we're just going to have to deal with until we have the money to renovate the kitchen: Not thinking, I poured liquid plumber down the drain to remove a clog while there was still the leak in the wall.  So the basement and inside of the cabinets has that lovely bleachy smell, and there's only so much air freshener and plastic sheeting you can work with.  Not the end of the world, but annoying.

     -If that weren't enough, my older dog, Joon (she's 8 this month!) was out in the backyard to run around in the little bit of snow we've gotten this year, and let out a loud yelp and had developed a limp.  Apparently, she tore a ligament in her right rear leg.  $1200 in surgery, or 6-8 weeks of rest with aspirin and glucosamine chondroitin.  Naturally, I chose to rest her.  On one hand, she's pretty lazy and sleeps most of the day anyway.  On the other hand, she is stubborn like me, so she refuses to NOT do things like jump up on the bed or couch, or run to the door to greet guests.  I have to take her back in a couple weeks to have her reevaluated.  Hopefully surgery is not necessary. 

     -Work has been CRAZY busy.  This time of the year is usually busy anyway, because for some reason, cancer, cardiac problems, and respiratory dysfunctions are worse.  Suicides go way up as well.  However, there have been very few suicides, but a LOT more heart attacks and respiratory problems.  I worked Christmas day, and it was by far the busiest Christmas day I've worked yet, and I've worked 5 of the past 8.  I've been working on my acting engineer training, which when completed will make me eligible to be an acting engineer when a spot opens up.  Engineers are the drivers/pumpers for our fire engines, and are promoted positions.  I cannot test to promote until I am an acting engineer, and I've finally completed all of my required training.  All I have to do is test out with the Division Chief of Training, and I'll be able to test in March.  About time!  Engineer is the rank I want to get to, and really don't have any aspirations of going any higher (Lieutenant, Captain, or Chief). 

     -I had a very good Christmas.  Half of my Christmas joy is giving presents and seeing everybody's reaction to them.  I'd say I knocked the ball out of the park with my wife this year.  She definitely made out like a bandit, as she got from me a new Coach purse, Open Hearts (Jane Seymore collection) ring and watch (co-designed by Citizen), and a new iPhone 4 (upgraded from her 3GS).  The jewelry was a bit of a comedic endeavor, however.  I asked for the ring in a size 9.5, but was informed that they do not sell those rings in sizes, it'll have to be brought back to be sized.  Ok, odd, but ok.  But then they wanted me to pay $16 to have it sized!!!  You don't carry sizes in rings, but you expect me to pay extra to have it sized?  Or for $20, I can have the lifetime warranty on the $70 ring.  Unlimited sizing and buffing and cleanings.  Ridiculous, if you ask me.  On top of that, they wanted to put her Citizen watch in a Bulova box.  They asked if that was going to be alright, otherwise they'd have to go to Macy's and borrow a box from them.  I reminded them that I didn't buy a Bulova watch, and that they shouldn't even have asked; they went to get me a Citizen box.    I made out very well also.  I got a new pair of Bears warm up pants that I wanted, a new Indiana University hoodie, a new hockey stick, and a new HD Stereo receiver.  Just a week before, my Onkyo receiver started to go out a little, with the sound fluttering from time to time while watching a movie. My wife needed more ideas for me, so while we were out wandering some stores, I pointed out a new Sony receiver with HDMI inputs tha I though looked nice and had all of the functions I was looking for.  I got it all connected and watched RED on it, and was completely blown away!  I didn't realize how much I was missing by only having the audio coming from my TV via digital optical cable.  It's like going from standard def to high def in video; the difference was amazing!  I have all of my components (Blu-Ray, PS3, and Cable) all going into my receiver, and out to my TV, so everything is now in HD. I'm currently watching the Giants/Cowboys game, and the surround is so incredible!

In what little spare time I've had, I've been spending playing Star Wars: The Old Republic and DC Universe Online on my computer.  That is, until it fried out on me last Wednesday.  I'm waiting for Toshiba to send me a shipping box to send it in for repair.  It's driving me nuts because I was progressing so nicely, and now I can't play them.  Ah well.  2-3 weeks and I'll be back to normal.  Which is good, because my OCD isn't handling the change in habits too well!

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Re: A Day In The Life of The Phat Kid
« Reply #122 on: January 04, 2012, 05:26:39 PM »
Wow Pat. Talk about a day in the life of the home owner. Hope you get all that squared away.

When it rains it pours. Sounds like you had a nice Christmas though.

Offline Phatty

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Re: A Day In The Life of The Phat Kid
« Reply #123 on: October 27, 2015, 09:27:09 AM »
Wow, it has been quite some time since I updated this, hasn't it?  Hello everybody!  There are so many new faces around here, though I've quietly been keeping tabs on all of you here.  I'm always so impressed with the high level of quality and creative customs you all create. 

Since my last update, almost 4 years ago now, quite a bit has changed.  I've gone through a divorce, which was sorely needed, but also quite difficult.  And quite expensive, let me tell you.  If I can offer anyone advice, it is that a prenup is not something to be taken lightly.  Protect your investments and pension, if nothing else.  Love is great, hatred is greater, and if you never need to use it, then a prenup is just a piece of paper.  If you do go through a divorce, be sure to select a lawyer who is an expert at dealing with pensions and investments.

Enough about the negative, let's look at what else has happened!  I hate to admit it, but I have sold off 95% or so of my collection.  It was sitting in boxes in my garage, losing value due to the flooded marketplace, and I wanted to use the money for a greater good: School.  I've returned to school to get a degree in Psychology.  Not that I intend to leave the fire service anytime soon, but a lot can happen that is out of my hands.  I could be injured on the job, the State of Indiana can win and make it illegal for municipalities to run a fire department (yes, they are actually trying to make municipal fire departments illegal here), or the funding for such things can dry up for whatever reason.  I am eligible to retire in 8 years, or as many as 20 more years, so at that point, the choice will be up to me.  No matter how you slice it, I didn't have a solid back-up plan, so I chose to get a degree.  I'm due to graduate in June of 2016.  At that time, I am looking at entering the Master's Degree program, which will take one year to complete.  When I retire, I hope to move to the Southwest, where it's hot and dry, because I hate the Winter!  Regardless, there are ample opportunities to gain secondary employment with a degree.  So I sold my many, many items (12 Large Moving boxes worth) and paid tuition, books, and a new MacBook for school, and I'm not really sorry about it.  I did keep my favorite items, and a few to distribute to my nephews and Godchildren.

Besides work and school, I have moved to the city I work for, and enjoy living here so much more.  I kept one of my dogs from the divorce, my buddy Lidstrom, and along with my girlfriend (who moved in with me) got another dog, who's a goofy, slightly stupid pit bull/lab mix.  I've gotten into photography thanks to my girlfriend, who is an actual photographer, and boy have I learned so much about the art!  I wish I had the gear I do now back at Celebration V, I could have done so much more with the event!  Combined with making Graphic Design a minor for school (I had a LOT of free electives to use up!), I'm learning more and more how to really create some fantastic pieces.

I'm always around, though I don't post often.  I check in several times a day to see how you all are doing, and I'm so proud of this site that we built, and how you all have taken it to such amazing heights.  Shawn deserves a medal for all the hard work he's been doing with the site, and I have to give him full credit for what we are today.  See you all around!

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Re: A Day In The Life of The Phat Kid
« Reply #124 on: October 27, 2015, 12:26:37 PM »
Hello pat!
Sounds like you have been busy. Remind me how many years my junior you are?

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Re: A Day In The Life of The Phat Kid
« Reply #125 on: October 27, 2015, 04:50:21 PM »
I would be a robust and energetic 38, my good Sir!

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Re: A Day In The Life of The Phat Kid
« Reply #126 on: October 27, 2015, 06:28:33 PM »
Yep, that's how I felt about then. Spread your wings and fly then, former sw collector. Everyone changes. For some, it's just not as obvious.

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Re: A Day In The Life of The Phat Kid
« Reply #127 on: October 28, 2015, 02:27:09 AM »
Pat, thanks for the comments. Of course I knew a bit about what was happening in your life, but glad to hear how close you are to full degrees my man! I also loved hearing about that graphic design stuff, we can always use that around here!

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Re: A Day In The Life of The Phat Kid
« Reply #128 on: September 04, 2016, 06:45:50 PM »
It’s funny, I check in and look at posts daily, but I haven’t updated this in almost a year, again!

I held a (small) garage sale on Friday, trying to clean out the garage and other pockets of stuff I’ve accumulated.  I had several boxes of loose figures and opened vehicles, just collecting dust in containers.  I even had a few Clone Trooper mini-busts from Gentle Giant left over.  I asked myself why I still had them, and didn’t have an answer.  I thought about posting them here, or on Ebay, but the shipping would have killed me, on patience alone.  So I put them in the garage sale, and they accounted for the majority of my sad little garage sale.  I was pleased, though also a bit sad, that it all sold within 20 minutes of being open.  Between 3 individuals, I sold all of the figures and ships, and within the hour, the lot of mini-busts to another.  IN all, I damn near gave it all away for roughly $140.  That was just about the last of my once large collection.  I still have a shelf of my favorite items, and I’ll likely keep those for years to come, but the rest is now gone.  I was a bit mad that all those years of collecting are now gone, but seeing the garbage that Hasbro, and even Gentle Giant and Sideshow are putting out, along with the outrageous prices, I’m not that broken up about it.  At least the buyers were grandparents and younger adults who can now enjoy it, and that’s something.

School is almost done for me!  I graduate at the end of October with my bachelor’s in psychology with a focus in mental health.  Not leaving well enough alone, I’ll be applying for my Master’s.  Why?  Because why not?  I’ll have to retire sometime, and I may as well have a back-up for then.

Then again, since apparently my body is already taking a crap, I better be prepared!  I had to have my gall bladder taken out in the end of July and can’t go back to work until the end of September.  Of course, I then go on vacation until November, so I guess it’s not all bad.  I really miss the gym, though. You’d be surprised at how limited you become with a single hole in your abdomen.  On top of that, I have lateral Chondylitis in my left elbow, which is obnoxious, and a mild shoulder impingement in my right shoulder.  I’ve lost weight and size since I can’t be in the gym, so that’s messing with me mentally.  I’m a walking calamity!

I took the money I made from my 2-hour garage sale (there wasn’t much left after my Star Wars stuff sold!) and bought some new camping equipment.  I got a new portable grill and a new deluxe inflatable mattress.  My girlfriend and I are going camping with friends of hers in 2 weeks, and I’m pretty excited about it.  I’ve got the rest of the equipment I need already.  I just hope it’s dry; my girlfriend is a sissy when it comes to storms!  Then, at the end of the month, we’re going up to Door County, WI for a week up there for hiking and photography.  Not a bad way to close out the summer.

You’ve all been doing some amazing work here, I haven’t failed to notice it all.  I really should comment more often.  As always, I’ll be around, feel free to leave me a note if you’d like!

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Re: A Day In The Life of The Phat Kid
« Reply #129 on: September 05, 2016, 07:37:20 AM »
Yeah Pat getting older sure stinks I can associate. Sounds like you are getting hit a bit harder though. I was glad to hear you are still being as active as you can, I so think thats the key to staying healthy and mentally tough.

Wish I would have been to that garage sale. I always say I am going to go to some, but never do. Guess thats my patience thing kicking in. Still get kinda sad to see another collecting buddy get out of the game, but I can sure understand your reasoning. I go through that every once in awhile myself, but always seem to get sucked back in.

Thanks for checking in and I hope to read about your camping excursions. My family officialy gave up camping about two years ago when  storm had our tent 3 inches in front of our nose about 3am in the morning. It is a funny memory for us now, but not back then!