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Star Wars Television / Re: Star Wars The Bad Batch
« Last post by DarthHawk on Today at 05:36:40 PM »
Just watched the final episode.
Started out slow and mundane due to it was all about nomega and her escape plan. YAAAAWWWWNNNN!!
From there the action ramped up and the battle/battles began.
Overall, this was probably the best episode of this season but it wasn't going to take much to reach that claim.
Extremely predictable. Everything you thought would happen, happened.
Everyone you thought would be killed, died.
If you thought it would be destroyed, it is now a pile of rubble.
Tarkin makes a statement that solidifies the timeline of this show.
If your a sappy romantic, a lover of the tear shedding all's well that ends well then you will love the ending/epilogue.
I'm still not sure about the death/existance of Tech.
I read elsewhere that it was revealed that CX-1 is actually Tech but I didn't see see revelation occur.
Lastly, this show could have been so much better. Could have resonated with the fans if only the BB had been
portrayed for why they were created. The nomega factor just destroyed so much of the enjoyability we should have experienced.
A two-fer post!

First up is my ex-Journeyman Protector (trainer of Commander Bacara).

While not directly a clone, this character is clone-related. A likely member of the Cuy'val Dar - "those who no longer exist." Hand-picked Mandalorians chosen by Jango Fett himself to train the clone army.

Not a very complicated custom. Body is a Boba Fett (Mandalorian) figure. Cybernetic arm is a Marauder Task Force part. Head piece is also from Marauders. Kama is just some leftover fabric from my Galactic Marines overhaul.

Commander Bacara was trained by a Journeyman Protector who is never named or shown. Thought I would change that. This guy is loosely inspired by Kal Skirata (whom I repurposed in an earlier custom) as well.

He doesn't have a name, so name suggestions are welcome...

Next up is more military stuff. I got sick of the old 21-st Century Toys Pavehawk Pilots. Hardly any articulation and their body proportions looked...odd. So I naturally kit bashed some Marauders Pilots! Here are the results.

Here is the original pilot, just for comparison...
Juno looks like her true self! Great job on that facial painting.  ()rr
Online and Retail Stores / Re: Big Bad Toy Store
« Last post by Tamer on Today at 02:16:14 AM »
Custom Figures / Re: 04/30/2024: CloneTroopr's Customs: Juno Eclipse <TFU>
« Last post by Tamer on Yesterday at 02:48:16 AM »
Looks spot on from what I recall. Off to share!
Custom Figures / Re: 04/30/2024: CloneTroopr's Customs: Juno Eclipse <TFU>
« Last post by Starchaser on April 30, 2024, 08:36:17 PM »
That looks really good. A much better outcome than the original Hasbro headsculpt, in my humble opinion. Excellent paint applications, by the way.
Graphic Artwork / Re: Custom AI Generated Star Wars Characters
« Last post by Starchaser on April 30, 2024, 08:34:50 PM »
Those are fun. Not sure how I feel about long-haired Scooby-Doo though
Misc. non Star Wars / Re: New, Non-Star Wars Purchases
« Last post by Starchaser on April 30, 2024, 08:32:27 PM »
That is awesome! You are blessed, and I'm jealous.
Custom Figures / Re: 04/30/2024: CloneTroopr's Customs: Juno Eclipse <TFU>
« Last post by CloneTroopr on April 30, 2024, 08:16:40 PM »
Juno Eclipse

Head designed by @ingra_customs
Head printed by @syndicate_customs_creations

I painted the head, gave her a new right forearm, and painted the flesh part of the gloved hand. The mods were done on the 3.75 Juno Eclipse figure from the Toys R Us exclusive figure pack.

Custom Figures / Re: 04/30/2024: CloneTroopr's Customs: Juno Eclipse <TFU>
« Last post by CloneTroopr on April 30, 2024, 08:13:33 PM »
Thank you all 🤗
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