Imperial Entertainment TV and Movies > Star Wars Movies

Blu-Ray review - Original Trilogy - First Impressions...

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well, really, the first three wernt filmed with High Def cameras so it will only get "so" good and thats all.....I would be surprised if they have much of an improvement over the latest DVD release.....

I think the point is, Lucas Film already did a major touch up of the films when they released the Special Edition, however Blu-ray does have subtle differences that become even more apparent when you go back and watch the film on DVD. Background and close up detail is clearer, for example numbers on binocular HUD's are clear and readable, ship detailing is also very much improved... which can be a bad thing when you realise that a greebley on the Millennium Falcon is in fact the top of an old cooker.

Oh one other very annoying thing about this Blu Ray disc... it screwed up my PC's Blu-Ray player, so now it won't play Blu ray discs at all...So, if you've got an HP machine with HP Mediasmart pre-loaded be warned!

Daggone Jules thats stinks!

First you find out you don't have all the extra scenes from the box set and now it screws up your PC!

We still have to wait another 3 days here in the States to get them, and I'm eagerly awaiting that morning!


--- Quote from: Clonehead on September 13, 2011, 11:42:03 AM ---Isnt it about like that for every blue ray release of an older movie. The image quality just doesn't compare to the newer stuff. You would think that Lucas with his resources could have found a way.

--- End quote ---

Actually, I was simply amazed by the original Halloween, the picture was super-sharp and clear, I actually doubted for a minute it was shot way back in 1975.  You can even see John Carpenter's cigerette smoke drift into a sceane (LOL, one of the major flubs of that movie, but also makes it great).

If Halloween (which was shot for next to nothing of a budget) can be brought up to a satisfactory level, what's wrong with Star Wars (which was shot the following year and with a much larger budget, thus probably better cameras ect). 


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