Author Topic: MOAWP S1/E7: "The Fantastic Fall of the Galactic Empire" Part 4  (Read 3886 times)

Offline Darth Depressis

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Cockpit-Rabbit’s Foot-4 years after the Battle of Yavin IV

Utric Sandov: (speaking into comlink) alright, tani all clear on deck?

Tani Ab’yla: (via comlink) Rodger.

Utric Sandov: don’t go turning into a clanker on me, have you made contact with red squadron?

Tani Ab’yla: (via comlink) there standing by and detached from command structure as per your orders.

Utric Sandov: (speaking into comlink) great; credit the outlaws accounts before Rianna sets them about their next task.
Star Speeder 3000-Endor Express-Moddell sector-4 years after the Battle of Yavin IV

RX-24: Welcome aboard! This is Captain Rex from the cockpit. I know this is probably your first flight, and it's...mine, too. (chuckles) Well, it looks like we're going to have a smooth flight to the Moddell Sector, so I'll go ahead and open the cockpit shield.

As the droid turns round it finds a total of four blaster pistols pointed at it and an empty cabin.

Jaxxon: (pointing blasters) there’s to be a change in our flight path here today.

RX-24: what happened to the passengers, you filthy rebels didn’t shoot them out the air lock did you!

Dash Rendar: too bad those kriffin bothans where so morally against involving the innocent passengers in this suicide run.

RX-24: do whatever you rapscallions want to the ship, but leave me out of it. 

Amaiza Foxtrain: (pointing blaster) sorry, need you to confuse a fellow droid for awhile, Saren get your droid over here.

Rianna Saren: zeeo, enlighten your comrade as to the plain.

 Z-58-0: (extending slicer tool into Rex’s mainframe) this is so wrong.

Dash Rendar: what hijacking a common vacation linear or programming a fellow droid for this kinda mission.

Z-58-0: (extending slicer tool into Rex’s mainframe) all of the above.

Rianna Saren: guess its back to the fringes for you three then?

Amaiza Foxtrain: (lowering blaster) there, easiest credits ever earned in the employ of the Rebel Alliance.

Jaxxon: (lowering blasters) you said it, love to say its been a good time workin with the lot of you. But I ain’t no kriffin phony.

Dash Rendar: my favorite part has to be them holding our ships as chattel while we carry off this part of the plan. Take it easy.

The three leave the reprogrammed star liner pilot and exit the craft via the airlock as the bothan spies enter.

Rianna Saren: here we go again, zeeo.

Death Star III-Moddell sector-4 years after the Battle of Yavin IV

The star speeder 3000 reverts from hyperspace and finds a clash of imperial forces above the battle station, right on cue the fighters of red squadron also revert from the infinite tunnel of hyperspace.

Yap-En Soear: this is red leader, whats with this? Comm chatters is static and my instruments are abuzz? Care to confirm any new intel bothans.

Star Speeder 3000-Endor Express-Death Star III-Moddell sector-4 years after the Battle of Yavin IV

Utric Sandov: I’m sorry your eminence, but this is all new to us as well. But I believe we can use this to our advantage, I’ve plotted a hyper jump around this little imperial slap fight.

Yap-En Soear: (via comlink) too bad this is all confidential, would love to see the look on those rogues faces when we tell them we hyper jumped into a death star trench.

Rianna Saren: gonna be alotta scared people if we do that captain. But I feel yea on that front.

Tani Ab’aya: alright course locked, here we go.

The entire fighter wing as led by the vacation linear blasts into a short hyper jump and reverts from hyperspace within the trench along the surface of the enormous battle station. The small force speeds towards the oddly placed exhaust port.

Yap-En Soear: (via comlink) alright keep us blank on that sensor screen or this whole parties kriffed.

Tani Ab’aya:  were three slicers strong over here, your eminence. This things never gonna know what hit it.

Yap-En Soear: (via comlink) gonna be easier than skinning Ibma Cratis on Lorrbeqi.

The small armada rockets past non-responsive turbo laser turrets on their unchallenged run towards the unprotected exhaust port.

Victory II class Star Destroyer-Ravager XIII-Death Star III-4 years after the Battle of Yavin IV

The Gall fleet takes heavy firepower and looses entire tie fighter wings in the blink of an eye. Commander Vont stands alongside the insectoid Gaff and the electronic representation of the cyborg Kligson.

Gaff: we cannot survive this battle, one imperial class star destroyer is more than a match for this fleet.

Dilbun Vont: didn’t come dis far to get blasted outta the kriffin stars, why the kriff ain’t you telling the infected computer cores over dare to destroy those other ships!

Kligson: processing. Connection trace unsuccessful; the intruder is no longer separate from the core. They are one and the intruder lacks the programming to operate said hardware.

Dilbun Vont: break id down to basic for us aight!

Kligson: the station is without an operational system for its main functions. Without said programming it’s a useless lump of hardware. This ig-88a conciseness requires a great deal of time to adjust to the tasks of functioning within these confines.  Put simply an assassin droids programming cannot stand up to the riggers of operating an entire battle station. 

Dilbun Vont: so why the kriff don’t you override that things control and implant urself! You could run that thing.

Kligson: I will make an attempt. There appears to be a crude array of sliced protocols in place, I will suspend them.

Death Star III-Trench-Moddell sector-4 years after the Battle of Yavin IV

Without warning the turbo laser cannons open fire on the advancing armada, several X-wing fighters erupt into massive fire balls. The rear wing breaks off and attacks the turbo laser cannons while the front wing continues down the trench following the now battered star linear.

Yap-En Soear: all wings break off and regroup for another jump at the port.  Spies get your zero gee gear on and prepare to eject, my boys will get you.

Star Speeder 3000-Endor Express-Death Star III-Moddell sector-4 years after the Battle of Yavin IV

RX-24: I’m sorry to inform you; that due to our excellent flight record. We only carry one zero-gee suit aboard. Standard procedure.

Rianna Saren: great we gonna draw circuits?

Utric Sandov: no the suit is yours, you and Zeeo can skim the surface and get out of the line of fire faster than any of us could in an escape pod.

RX-24: Star Speeder 3000’s do not contain escape pods either. Standard procedure.

Utric Sandov: be sure to inform the outlaws of how badly their assitance was needed.

Rianna Saren: (attaching breath mask) I’ll give them an apprioate response, good luck.

The Twi’lek and the droid launch out of an emergency hatch and veer off into space. The two are picked up by an observant X-wing. The fighter flees the scene once the two are aboard.

Yap-En Soear: (via comlink) I’ll guide you in as best I can, perhaps, I can still fire off a shot at the port and deny you two martydom.

Utric Sandov: thanks for the thought, but you’re shields aren’t gonna make it three more klicks. Might as well save your power sir.

Tani Ab’yla: keep your silence in our memory, your emience.

Yap-En Soear: (via comlink) very well.

The Lorrbeqian king veers off and blasts into light speed as the star linear continues its suicide run towards the exhaust port while getting battered by turbo laser fire.

Utric Sandov: so is this the morally acceptable solution tani?

Tani Ab’yla: what’s two more bothan spies beneath the foundations of galactic peace.

RX-24: thank you for flying star tours.

The star speeder 3000 smashes into the exhaust port at full speed igniting the pipeline to the main reactor, the ensuing chain reaction complety destroys the galactic albatross.

Victory II class Star Destroyer-Ravager XIII-Moddell sector-4 years after the Battle of Yavin IV

Kligson: (transmission blurring) a pair of bothan slicers piloted a star linear into the exhaust port, the ig had its turrets attempting to destroy it. Unsuccessfully I’d might add.

Gaff: you don’t think it was…

Dilbun Vont: oh yea it wuz them, I’m as good as off da hook with them vapped.

Gaff: you’re the one they bribed!

Dilbun Vont: not my fault they aactually got the actual plans from that attempt! Ol augie’d neva shoulda been on that kriffin thing anyways! Not my fault.

Gaff: (releasing stinger) you pathetic excuse for a being!

Kligson: (transmission bluring) the death star plans where actually absconded by rebels aboard a fertlizer freighter. Whose location was personally leaked by the emperor himself via his then proxy the late head of Black Sun; Prince Xizor. Your vendetta against the bothan spies and your self hatrid over the emperor’s death are both unfounded vont.

Dilbun Vont: thanks, think you could slice us outta this battle?

The electronic entity dissipates. The insectoid marches from the tactical salon in a hurried pace, vont turns his attention to the advancing Imperial Class Star Destroyer.

Dilbun Vont: all craft of dis fleet, were chargin that destroyer! Fire the main thrusters and stand by for light speed!

The six Victory II class Star Destroyers ram there way free of the lone surviving warlords also battered Destroyer; taking heavy damage in the process Vont’s lead destroyer manages to obliterate the opposing warlords vessel and clears a way for his remaining fleet detachment to escape into lightspeed.
