Author Topic: MOAWP s1/e4: "Prize Captive of Operation Knightfall" part 1  (Read 2943 times)

Offline Darth Depressis

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MOAWP s1/e4: "Prize Captive of Operation Knightfall" part 1
« on: December 07, 2009, 04:00:18 AM »

The Works-Coruscant-19 years Before the Battle of Yavin IV

Dilbun Vont: (narration) Six cycles in a jedi cling ain't no deal i ever member signin on for..kriffing augie'd better have a whole warehouse of strums on some backwater planet lined up fur me afta this.

Master Brand scours over the remains of the crashed tibanna gas platform in-search of anything that might spell certain conviction and exposure of the lekku loper. He is joined by Ylenic It'kla and Ranik Solusar.

Ranik Solusar: i'm telling you brand, whatever wasn't destroyed in the initial blast surely couldn't have survived the separatist invasion.

Ylenic It'kla: has the public dismissal of jedi visions eroded your belief in their validity Desertwind?

Ranik Solusar: no, i just never have them anymore. it's the..

Empatajayos Brand: (lifting debris via the force) the darkness...we all feel it. i've heard the high council masters actually see it as a major shift in the current of the force.

Ylenic It'kla: although teams Aurek and Bacta failed in their mission to smoke out the other one. the Sith are off-balanced, with Dooku defeated this conflict will cease.

Empatajayos Brand: I hope that sentiment keeps Nejaa's family at ease as well as it does you Ylenic.

Ranik Solusar: It's a good thing were here because of Halcyon, cause if we where assigned to this mission. i know i'd have just walked out on you Brand!

Empatajayos Brand: why did the three of you go off like some hero squad thinking you where gonna defeat the sith and end the war! what you heard about Master Vos's successes in that area and thought the three of you where above the lure of the dark side?

Ylenic It'kla: it was the will of the council Master Brand. nothing more.

Empatajayos Brand: i am sorry. i just still find it hard to swallow that immediately after that investigation the three of you are sent to get killed by Dark Acolytes while on a hunt for the Sith. and Master Yoda was almost vanquished by those Bpfasshi Dark Jedi.

Ranik Solusar: yes it does sound rather convenient when grouped together like that. but i think you must detach yourself from this investigation of the lekku loper. you're seeing Conspiracy everywhere you look from what i hear.

Empatajayos Brand: in this war how can anyone not?

Ylenic It'kla: besides the force is with us no matter how thick the darkness may be Master Brand, we've seen the defeat of the entire force-sensitive command structure of the confederacy these past monthes. If their remains another Sith, the jedi will triumph.

Empatajayos Brand: last time i checked Asajj Ventress was still unaccounted for and Team Aurek had established a trail from here to the Ambassadorial Sector of Galactic City. conveniently as you would put it, right as the separatist invasion struck.

Ranik Solusar: The Living Force belief cannot be applied to all scenarios Brand. believe me, Master Halcyon was not destined to perish at the hands of Master Tyris. destiny is not a tangible commodity.  

Empatajayos Brand: perhaps you're right, its just i foresaw the three of us finding something in this wreckage. i cannot remember where it is..

Ylenic It'kla: perhaps i can help.

Empatajayos Brand: thanks, i really didn't know how to ask.

The Caamasi absorbs the entirety of Brand's vision. after wards he lifts his hand towards a pile of rubble and via the force levitates an axe to his hand.

Ranik Solusar: i'll be damned. looks its of gungan design?

Empatajayos Brand: never heard of them using vibro-axes?

Ylenic It'kla: there is much to be learned from this weapon.

Interrogation Chamber-Jedi Temple-Coruscant 19 BBY

Dilbun Vont: (narration) from my perspective the empire was born over da course of one night. one night of smoke and flame, blood and death, and of-course profit.

Empatajayos Brand: hope you had a pleasant sleep, cause i'm thinking your extended stay in our cells might be coming to an end.

Dilbun Vont: oh yeah, you don't say?

Empatajayos Brand: yes, we found something of yours.

Dilbun Vont: this bout the plugged toilet in your room?

Ranik Solusar: (entering room) any chance you've ever been to Naboo?

Dilbun Vont: hey its a full class reunion, so you saber jockeys bein dodging the bolts pretty good i tage id?

Empatajayos Brand: answer the question, spare us the details on what we found. end this debacle your tied up in the easy way. tell us who put you up to this and whom keeps your records hidden and why!

Dilbun Vont: i guess our six cycle honeymoon's over den?

Ranik Solusar: your a regular Jon Antilles down here pal, whoever you're covering for gave you up right as we moved on you. that platform was rigged to blow regardless of what you believe were trying to make you think. its all true. make this easy will you?

Empatajayos Brand: we found the vibro axe. and were gonna get everything off of it. every memory on the object. understand?

Dilbun Vont: if the holonet special i saw right befoe you saber jockeys caged my ass down here was right. aren't the courts not excepting you guy's fantasies as evidence anymore? so i wonder what the frak do i care bout some damn vibro axe?

Ylenic It'kla: (entering room) Memnii are being widely denounced by the galactic court, due in large part to a severe Bothan discrimination campaign against the Caamasi people. Psychometry however is still excepted as evidence due in large part to the fact that it can be utilized by non-force sensitives such as Kiffar. Understood Lekku Loper?

Dilbun Vont: knock yurselves out.

Tranquillity Spire of the Jedi Temple-Coruscant-19 years BBY

The Three Jedi Masters gather in the center of the deserted chamber around the Gungan Vibro-Axe.

Ranik Solusar: how much did you detect on here Ylenic?

Ylenic It'kla: a great deal, at-least all eighteen of the murders and something much older. it is my intention to view the oldest impression on this weapon, you may follow me if you wish.

Empatajayos Brand: i'm with you.

the three jedi levitate the axe off the floor, and place their hands upon the axe while focusing all of their force powers on Psychometry.

the images come suddenly, several spatters of Twi'lek blood, screams and anguish. the three men squirm at the sight of the Lekku Loper himself enjoying the crimes,they press on past the murders.

 suddenly years jump backwards, the axe is in the hands of a Gungan Ambassador on Naboo. the ambassador twirls the ornate axe before Senator Palpatine. the three jedi emerge from the memory.

Ylenic It'kla: as i said, a great deal. let us take all of this in before we act.

the three masters delve deeply into the memory and experience it entirely.

Lake Paonga-Naboo-44 years Before the Battle of Yavin IV

Kref Milas: Mesa musta thanks yousa for attending this meeting Senata.

Palpatine: ofcourse, now could you come to the point, gungan.

Kref Milas: mesa represent a faction that wishes to assist the naboo in the remova of King Veruna from Powa.

Palpatine: and why exactly do you think i would wish to assist your kind in such an act?

Kref Milas: mesa also hava dealins with Big Galgu. hesa says yousa not justa senata. yousa outsta to climb da ladda of the senate to da top.

Palpatine: so Galgu has a big mouth, i'll take that into consideration. i take it your attempting to blackmail me into removing the king of Naboo from power so you gungans can do what exactly?

Kref Milas: mysa faction isa smarta then that Palpotinesa.

Palpatine: i've heard enough.

suddenly a teenaged zabrak child bursts from the swamp waters with a double bladed lightsaber, before the child can reach the Gungan, an spray of gungan energy weapons stun the zabrak back down into the waters.

the enraged senator switches into his sith lord guise and ignites his own crimson bladed lightsaber to deflect the energy balls. they are too many. a shock net falls over the Sith Lord and temporally subdues him. Kref Milas twirls the ornate Vibro Axe.

Kref Milas: Mesa wasa gonna giva dis to a yousa as a sign of our committmentsa to each othersa successesa. togetha wesa couldsa teared downa the wallsa betweensa our sa peoples.

Palpatine: do you think i only relied upon a teenaged Zabrak and my own...

before the senator can finish his sentence a single blaster bolt flares to life between the Gungans eyes. as he falls dead, A teenaged Dilbun Vont is revealed as accompanied by the Fromm gang.

Sise Fromm: good thing we had an axe to grind with these guys as well Augie huh?

Palpatine: get me out of this net and don't call me Augie!

Sise Fromm: ofcourse senator, but you better thank young Dilbun here first, he's the one whom vapped that gungan bastage.

Palpatine: yes, i didn't even sense your intent nor your presence. quite interesting. thank you Dilbun...

Dilbun Vont: (picking up vibro-axe)Vont, Yur welcome ol'Augie!

Palpatine: (removing net) perhaps we'll work together again in the future Dilbun. now i understand your contributions are all in order Sise?

Sise Fromm: oh yeah, credits already lining the right pockets now that these stooges are outta da way.

without a sound, the young zabrak falls inline between his master and the Mafioso's.

Khameir Sarin: (punching vont in the stomach and taking the axe) inferior!

without a seconds hesitation, palpatine elbows the young zabrak to the head dropping the child to the muddy banks.

Palpatine: (kicking in the stomach) this person whom you label inferior, succeeded where you failed me! absorb your pain and get the ship warmed.

Khameir Sarin: (coughing up blood) yes, my master.

Sise Fromm: (shaking hands) my respect you have senator.

Palpatine: very good, until next time.

the obese Mafioso marches back towards his own ship, Young Dilbun goes to follow. but is stopped suddenly by the power of the force.

Palpatine: (presenting the ornate axe) well done young Vont, it really is a pity there is nothing of the force about you.

Dilbun Vont: if ya say so.

Palpatine: keep this. consider it a award for a job well done, don't sell it and if you do i'll find out.

Dilbun Vont: sure thing augie.

The Three Jedi Masters remove their hand from the Axe and look at one another astonished by what they've learned.

« Last Edit: December 07, 2009, 04:02:21 AM by Darth Depressis »

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Re: MOAWP s1/e4: "Prize Captive of Operation Knightfall" part 1
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2009, 08:48:07 AM »
Nice work there!

Offline Reconsgt

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Re: MOAWP s1/e4: "Prize Captive of Operation Knightfall" part 1
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2009, 09:19:32 AM »
very cool,   I see I have a lot of reading and catching up with your stories to do,  great work!

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Re: MOAWP s1/e4: "Prize Captive of Operation Knightfall" part 1
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2009, 12:30:04 PM »
Good stuff this!

Offline hangarbay94

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Re: MOAWP s1/e4: "Prize Captive of Operation Knightfall" part 1
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2009, 02:15:08 PM »
DD, I'm away for one minute and then 1.5 forum pages full of your God how long did all this take you?

At least now all of your work is in one place...I'll be starting from the bottom and working my way up!

Welcome to the Yards!

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Re: MOAWP s1/e4: "Prize Captive of Operation Knightfall" part 1
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2009, 05:20:03 PM »
Nice stuff you have posted here, DD. Welcome to the shipyards.

Offline Darth Depressis

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Re: MOAWP s1/e4: "Prize Captive of Operation Knightfall" part 1
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2009, 01:02:15 AM »
first off thanks for the warm welcome, really nice to get coming from the eight other forums out there.

well i started the sequel trilogy writing project as far back as september 2000, the photo-novel itself came into being june of 2006.
so its been four years on photo-novels so far. planning on hanging it up after memoirs episode 12, but there will be the final part of the sequel trilogy and perhaps one more side project. not sure about the trading card series.

anyways thanks for the notices guys...

Offline hangarbay94

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Re: MOAWP s1/e4: "Prize Captive of Operation Knightfall" part 1
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2009, 02:34:14 AM »

It doesm't surprice me that what you have put here represents a decade of work,, the amount of work here is staggering. I wonder what you'll find to do once you've completed them!!!

Offline Darth Depressis

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Re: MOAWP s1/e4: "Prize Captive of Operation Knightfall" part 1
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2009, 06:42:23 AM »
well i'm gonna be concentrating on my films, non-starwars related.
the sequel trilogy thing actually started out as a fan-film effort that went nowhere.

in regards to a decade of work; thats actually just the sequel trilogy, the memoirs series
was based upon background work i did on the star wars fanon wiki in regards to Cas-Lo
Vont from the sequel trilogy. so memoirs was born on a wiki, and gestated while
trying to give a pn buddy ideas for his series that i liked so much i ended up making.