Author Topic: Star Wars: Memoirs of a War Profiteer-S1E1 "Quadracross" part 2  (Read 1628 times)

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Star Wars: Memoirs of a War Profiteer-S1E1 "Quadracross" part 2
« on: December 07, 2009, 03:48:50 AM »
The Jedi Temple-42 years Before the Battle of Yavin IV

Yoda: "Beware the lure of the Dark Side masters, for when taking upon this new duty. you will be made aware of its call. When seeing into the Fates of the Force, you will be bombarded by all aspects of life."

Jorus C'Baoth: "You mean to tell me that even the great Jedi Sages cannot look into the Fate of the Dark Side? how can this practice be permitted. we three have looked into the fates and seen the avenues of the Dark Side!"

Dooku: At that moment i understood the hidden message behind the masters backwards Basic. they actually made fear of the Dark Side a practice! Kuro and C'Baoth understood in their own ways of course. but
neither of them had understood the currents of the fates that we'd opened ourselves up to than I.

Yoda: "Master C'Baoth your bombastic manner edges close to the dark ways enough on its own. lest it be developed greater by actually peering at the Dark Side, we do not permit."

Dooku: "May the force be with you."

Dooku: Days after i so rudely brought an end to the master's rant, i looked into the issue further while sparring with Sora Bulq.

Dooku: "Do you see what i have come to suspect Sora?"

Sora Bulq: "Alarming that they actually let this go unnoticed. the Darkness is active, yet we are blind to it because we are ordered to not stare at it for too long out of..."

Dooku: "Fear!, much like the aggressive energies we expell now to conceal our tandem Vision of Darkness. they have broken the first rules of the Jedi. they fear and so i say why do we not go all the way and be
true masters of the Force?"

Dooku: Fear Mr. Vont, that is what keeps me from raiding the storehouse of Wayland. The Guardian you crawled in fear of is one whom I've known in the past as a Jedi. How he came into the service of the Sith,
i know not. but he is and his power is greater than my own. Your mission will be to dispose of the Slicer whom led me into that attempted slaughter on Wayland. His name is Kligson, ask my underlings about him. it'd be best if my hands remained out of this affair to be best assure your success. he is a very slippery one this Slicer.

Phutt Nuum: "So no time for strums on the wheel?"

Dilbun Vont: "yup, straight to tracking this barve."


Poggle the Lesser: "Oh that slicer!, Believe it or not he was the one that reverse engineered the droid control system. well if the Count says he's outlived his usefullness who em i to argue? I'll have wat tambor arrange a little get together for the three of you?

Dilbun Vont: "thanks poggle, hope you guys get the old red dirt back before this war ends. hate to see a people driven off their homeplanet, i really do."

Dilbun Vont: up until that moment i didn't understand why Augie wanted this techno wanker alive, guy that smart could be useful. best keep him under lock and key until you need him again. kinda like myself.


Phutt Nuum: "wheres the stinking wire jockey at tambor?"

Wat Tambor: "whats the meaning of this Vont? Poggle already set this up why are guys pushing me around? do you know who i em! I'm Wat Tambor! i made my bones when guys where still..."

Dilbun Vont: "I know the story, but my buddy here got a little hooked on the old Mando rage they used to pump up before battle. so he's like this with everybody."

Phutt Nuum: "oh come on Vont, can't i just stab him once?"

Dilbun Vont: "uh, i don't feel like smelling what he breathes alright. lets go to work."

-Minutes Later-

Phutt Nuum: "what the kark do you mean i can't kill this runt! the count hired us to snuff him out!"

Kligson: "this is a bit odd."

Dilbun Vont: "stow it droid handler! Phutt put the blade back in its sheath and step away before I'm forced to break whatever skirata left you for a jaw."

Phutt Nuum: "step off it vont, this guy is wanted dead by dooku. now who are you taken him alive for? and how much is in it."

Dilbun Vont: "Enough to keep me in this game and enough to keep out of breathing if you don't take that blaster outta my face Nuum!"

Kligson: "ok, so you're hear to take me alive to shall i say our mutual friend his sithiness? and he's here to carve me up because the count understands that Wayland was a trap?"

Fai'rel:(igniting Lightsaber) Most perceptive my boy. but i have a greater task in mind for you.

Dilbun Vont: "Frak me."

Fai'rel: "oh yes, Frak indeed. fraked all around. you mando, i heard your mother call, she wants you to wash up for din din. best you be off to Toola."

Phutt Nuum: "guys my mom wantsa me to get cleaned up for din din, i gotta go to toola..BYE!"

Fai'rel: "Vont i believe you understand the situation well enough to cuff yourself."

Kligson: "So are you capturing me or em i working with you?"

Fai'rel: "You are going to admit my entrance to the mount tantiss Storehouse on wayland. the Sith have turned against one another and forgotten one small detail about seeing into the fates of the Force."

Dilbun Vont: "I'll take a wild guess, i had a similar force lecture today. Dark Jedi can see what the Jedi are too afraid to look at and your reaping the benefits of this?"

Fai'rel: "my it is too sad you have nothing of the force about you. Kligson time we where off."

Kligson: "maybe next time we can hit coco town Vont. keep in touch."

Dilbun Vont:Ferglutz!


Tarkin: "Thanks to the battle of Kamino, we found out about this abandoned warrior. You must understand that this woman is military property and she does not officially exist. should the Mandalorians find out about such a perversion off their beloved Jango Fett's genome they'd all be at the Confederacy's call."

Dilbun Vont: "I assume from your attitude the Chancellor's fuming about what happened? i mean I'd expected you to personally supervise my..."

Tarkin: "Spare me the coy act Vont, i serve the Chancellor and our other Friend. his orders are to be followed exactly in this matter, ego and personal banter cannot become involved now. as of this moment you and i are on the same playing field. we are currently operating behind the backs of the Jedi Order and the actual War. for the first time the chancellor is actually rushing to catch a hydro-spanner before it clogs the gears of this galactic game you and i benefit from."

Dilbun Vont: Translation= The Sith infighting has opened up a window for a equally matched enemy to remove them from power or worse expose the whole shame before the stu is just right. this entire war was planned and scheduled like a game of shockball, that is up until now.

Tarkin: "On a side note, she was flashtrained to be a Advanced Recon Commando. I'd keep my hands to my self Dilbun."

J'mee Fett: "What are my orders?"

Tarkin: Commando J'mee Fett, you have been as of this moment drafted into the service of the Grand Army of the Republic. your mission is classified and therefore you are not to stray from said mission at any moment. upon its completion you are to return here for continued stasis.

J'mee Fett: Understood.

Tarkin: That goes for you as well Vont!

Dilbun Vont: what I'm to join the ranks of frosty here? and await orders in my sleep!

Tarkin: Let me put it this way, as of this moment you are now officially an unofficial member of the Grand Army. in other words, shed that Fringe Green. You are now Commander of the Black Ops.