Author Topic: Star Wars: Memoirs of a War Profiteer-S1E1 "Quadracross" part 1  (Read 2336 times)

Offline Darth Depressis

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Star Wars: Memoirs of a War Profiteer-S1E1 "Quadracross" part 1
« on: December 07, 2009, 03:48:41 AM »

Kamino-30 years Before the Battle of Yavin IV

Kal Skirata: you wanna say that again Aiwha bait?

Lama Su: Mister Skirata i do believe we are in a formal business setting can you attempt to spare me your ill manners.

Jango Fett: My trigger fingers are getting hard to control cloner!, by what right do you think can split my genome that way!

Lama Su: We share the goals here Jango. our patrons need this army battle ready in less than a decade, by our current estimates we cannot generate that many clones before that time. by creating this Clone Queen
program we can reach the goal and..

Jango Fett: this underhanded effort has existed long enough to garner a code name?

Kal Skirata: Udesii Jango, a bucket of this osik won't fly to the guys upstairs unless you've got proof.

Lama Su: why would it matter to them? if anything the funds vested in the original plan can still vested be toward this new program.

Jango Fett: this program ends here or i sink this whole kriffing place from orbit! you don't take my genome and turn into a girl of me got it! this wasn't supposed to some perverted get rich quick scheme!

Lama Su: we would never sell the clone queens to pleasure dens Jango!, unhand me at once. an exact clone of you could take your place at anytime fett. from our studies the Aiwha enjoy the taste of your blood, if
you take my meaning.

Jango Fett: threats are never useful when your weaponless, gihaal.

Lama Su: "the program ends, but the product is already bearing fruit. an order of yours to be exact."

Kal Skirata: "what?

Jango Fett: "then put her on ice alongside the arcs once it's done. but it never leaves this place got it!"

Lama Su: "the research will vanish and the clone will be kept as you wish."

Kal Skirata: "good choice su, but remember you ever even think about double crossing us again and you'll be left in my care. understood."

Lama Su: "of course."

Jango Fett: "this also stays between us kal.

Kal Skirata: "as you wish Mand'alor."

Coruscant-20 years Before the Battle of Yavin IV

Darth Sidious: "the security team recovered your rifle Dilbun, luckily Kinman was awake at that hour and could provide the code. this Augie mentioning needs to cease or connections will be made and you my friend
will find yourself in a worse place than Oovo IV I'm afraid."

Dilbun Vont: "sorry ta be a turd in the punch, but i gots bills to pay you know. can't keep my floors covered in blood wit no bones to spend."

Darth Sidious: "very well. your next mission may be a bit out of your league. but i can assure you if you survive it. your worth in my employ may well find you uniformed."

Dilbun Vont: "good, as long I'm enlisted with the eventual winners of this big galactic game you've rigged, augi..lord sidious."

Darth Sidious: "so your tongue can be curbed. the chancellor will need to see you soon, wilhuff needs to posture for awhile at you, but that pawn will fill you in on the mission once tarkin's fangs are dry."

Dilbun Vont: "Will it be one or two changes of shorts..this mission?"

Darth Sidious: "no rank advancement if that's what you're driving at. but something has risen to my attention regarding the count. if all goes as planned, which i can assure you it will. my apprentice's place will be firmly at my side after this mission."

Dilbun Vont: "oh, ol' dookie getting anxious to actually win this war. how funny. well I'll see you in, huh there i go again."

Darth Sidious: "try not to vomit on tarkin. get yourself together and prepare for my summons."

Dilbun Vont: well now even Augie's getting his roles mixed up, I'm pretty sure that's the first time the sith lord has rung me up and sounded like ol' Augie. this missions gonna be a karking pile of hurt.

Tarkin: "Vont! you kill two strumpets, get drunk with that scum villie and not only did you manage to miss your target twice in the senate in your drunken stupor. you show up to this meeting still drunk! how did you ever make a name for yourself as a ruthless killer out on the rim?"

Dilbun Vont: "by biting off fingers that get pointed at me for longer than five minutes. you're at about four by my count and I'm sure as hell hoping theres some meat on that bony thing cause my stomachs..."

Palpatine: "enough! guards, wilhuff everybody except vont out!. i can handle this drunken braggarts on my own."

-Minutes Later-

Dilbun Vont: "ok so Dooku attempted to seek a means to the SIP after you'd stashed it on wayland. but he got driven off by that guardian. so now you want me to what?"

Palpatine: "yes even to a sober man this plan is a bit confussing. the main point is you are to rally with that death watch coward Phutt Nuum and meet Dooku on Bakura the day after next. there you will provide him
with a copy of the SIP and he will provide you with a target. that Target will be the one whom comprised my database in the first place and revealed the location of the Sith storehouse on Wayland. keep in mind i
want the target alive, dooku will not. this will not hinder your transactions with the count, because after this is carried out he will find himself in place at his masters side."

Dilbun Vont: "ok, but where'd i get the sip?"

Palpatine: "in order to amaze the count you will need to say you stole it from under the guardians nose. now i do believe you should get going."

Dilbun Vont: "no threats bout big galgu, are we actually becoming friends Augie?"

Palpatine: "if i believed in such a thing as luck I'd suggest you do not push it any further."

Dilbun Vont: That's when i started sweating. crazy and bloodthirsty or not this was shaping up to be more than just a trap for me, ol' Augie was on the line this time. and i was being used to turn it around. if I'd had a clue about how this all might turn out back then, I'd have taken a walk off that balcony and saved myself the career that was ahead of me. creds are nice, strums are fun until they speak more than the guttural mumblings expected. but life's a sentence. and mine was about to start that night.


Phutt Nuum: "I's no care bout this kriffing gen'dai or his slimy mando hating armor! he's wants to be scrapin with me he'd be pullin out the real hand cannons and unload her before i get my pulse clip charged on him! haha."

Dilbun Vont: "for Fib's sake put the blasters away Phutt! were supposed to be doing a transaction here. remember?"

Dooku: "oh what a pity it was they didn't make the clone army after you my dear death watchmen. my droids would've simply exchanged a series of insults and we'd have the core already conquered."

Phutt Nuum: "Not if they'd had Vizla to use as template!"

Durge: "Mando Schisms aside, the Nuum clan was bred in keldabe and this hound is a nuum. so i deserve his blood Count!"

Dooku: "oh my word. why could it not be my worthy apprentice here at my side, he was suited for dealing with such underworld scum."

Dilbun Vont: Right about that second some of the renegade drained outta the count, i recalled a holonet piece tracking the confederacy's early movements. with Sha'ala Doneeta at his side the man looked like the
future then, now he sounded sad and weak. thanks to phutt's backalley manner, my story will go unaccounted. in other words I'm in like a dirty shirt.

Dilbun Vont: "all bloodscores aside, no offense Durge. but i didn't crawl outta the poodoo vat of mount tantiss with this case to keep me company. are we trade'in or not."

Dooku: "of course, with this portion of the research the poison can be remade. i must admit i myself would never have thought to swim into the Mount Tantiss storehouse by way of the sewage pipes. most creative

Dilbun Vont: "hey once you poison the dianoga, its all a workout. so whats this i hear about you not being able to get this yourself?"

Dooku: "well for starters Vont, my ego cannot be bruised by one such as yourself. the reason you had to swim in thirty kilos of dung was the same reason Master Yoda does not end this war. i assure you he could, but does not because he like all the Jedi have broken their own commandment. they FEAR the Dark side of the Force."

Dilbun Vont: oh great a lecture on the Force, why can't this stuff just stay on the after hours holonet and stay outta the mainstream news?

Dooku: "Some years back, before i myself came upon this realization. the great master lectured myself and two other masters on the subject of the Dark Side. this was a private ritual amongst the Jedi, anytime a master was about to be welcomed into the higher fold, they would be taken aside and made privy to the great Secret of the Dark Side."

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Re: Star Wars: Memoirs of a War Profiteer-S1E1 "Quadracross" part 1
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2009, 10:48:18 AM »
Finally got you on the front page. Thanks for all the great work. I can't even imagine how long it took to do all of these and load em up!

Offline FialaFernbrugg

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Re: Star Wars: Memoirs of a War Profiteer-S1E1 "Quadracross" part 1
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2009, 12:53:23 PM »
wow this is really awesome

very very creative

Offline Reconsgt

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Re: Star Wars: Memoirs of a War Profiteer-S1E1 "Quadracross" part 1
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2009, 12:55:42 PM »
Very cool,  great work there.

Offline Clonehead

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Re: Star Wars: Memoirs of a War Profiteer-S1E1 "Quadracross" part 1
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2009, 01:06:14 PM »
Amazing piece of work there. I like the writing style.

Offline beige-4

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Re: Star Wars: Memoirs of a War Profiteer-S1E1 "Quadracross" part 1
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2009, 02:38:42 PM »
uber cool nice wrk buddy

Offline hangarbay94

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Re: Star Wars: Memoirs of a War Profiteer-S1E1 "Quadracross" part 1
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2009, 03:44:57 AM »
DD, I am constantly amazed at the amount of effort you put into your novels, the backdrops you create are amazing and the story lines intricate. I sometimes find them a little hard to digest in one go, but by far you are the most creative and hard working of all the Photonovelists on these forums.

You deserve a huge amount of respect for the incredible effort.