Imperial Creative Engineering > Graphic Fiction

Clone Wars Photo Comic - with Customs

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NEVER would have guessed that was electrical tape.... that makes me all of a sudden have hundreds of clothing ideas using duct tape and stuff too.... 

ok... I know everyone is thinking it so I'll ask... what is underneath the electrical tape? ;)

For adding articulation to something like this I usualy try to do a complete leg swap either with existing SW parts or a complete makeover using gi-joe parts.... BUT... there isn't realy anything that would match well with that padme fig's parts so what I'd probably do is cut the legs apart at the knees and ankles and splice in the peg and circle swivel joints that the star wars figs have.  It's a complicated process and usually winds up having to be fixed with apoxi sculpt to make it look right.  I don't know if I could pull it off on a figure with such tiny parts though.

that realy bugs me btw... why would they bother putting articulation in ahsoka, a figure SMALLER than padme, but leave it out on padme? 

does the new "padme in adventure gear" have better articulation?

you could do the same with larger wiring heat shrink and it is not sticky.
you can get it at Radio Shack or auto parts stores and cut to the width you like and shrink in a pinch using a very hot blow dryer if you dont have a heat gun. Might take a while but it does work.
If you can find them, they are not too expensive and have many uses.

Cool deal, another momc collector. I don't feel so alone now!

As far as custom cards, I love em. Make me a good looking atat driver one and watch what happens!


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