Imperial Creative Engineering > Custom Figures

JonCC-1004 Custom Republic Commandos and more Finally!

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Finally got some time to post some of my customs. Just some cell phone pics not the best quality but should satisfy any of you who love Republic Commandos. ENJOY Ner Vod!

 TCW  "Fixer" Republic Commando

Custom shoulder armour and chest plate plus back pack and Deece

Made my own "Fixer" from a Fi Skirata

Black and Grey and the last thing a Droids Visual Recorder sees!

TCW Shadow ARC Trooper from a Rex

Irish Ninja 97:
Great job on Fixer and the rest, Ner Vod!

Wow, I like your RCs, Jon!

Thanks Clonehead and Irish Ninja 97.

 I have been on the forum for a while now just did not have time to post some photos. I will post some better photos once I can snap some with the Canon.

I find that the Republic Commando mold lends it self to customizing really easy these are some of the first I have done.

I have been buying up Fi Skirata's on ebay like a FOOL!



--- Quote from: JonCC-1004 on March 06, 2010, 08:59:42 PM ---I find that the Republic Commando mold lends it self to customizing really easy these are some of the first I have done.

--- End quote ---

which figure are you looking at!?  this is one of the worst figures hasbro has come out with lately... it looks great as a static piece, and it may lend well to an easy repaint... but trying to customize it much more than that requires a dremel and alot of patience...  I'm trying to figure out a way to super articulate one with joe parts (which is being documented in my thread) and I'm having a heck of a time with it...

btw I realy like your animated version of the RC.  I would recomend you get an RC helmet and modify it for the figure though, since the normal clone helmet just doesn't realy fit the look (at least IMO). 

can't wait to see better quality picks!


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