Author Topic: Star Wars Writings / Oasis Calm --- 9/25/15  (Read 24096 times)

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Re: ORDER 66 Poems/ Writings/ Randoms --- 5/20/13
« Reply #15 on: May 22, 2013, 12:28:24 AM »
superb mate ,just superb....
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

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Re: ORDER 66 Poems/ Writings/ Randoms --- 5/20/13
« Reply #16 on: May 22, 2013, 02:51:54 AM »
Nice, back on the front page.

Offline TheIRISH Rogue

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Re: ORDER 66 Poems/ Writings/ Randoms --- 5/26/13
« Reply #17 on: May 26, 2013, 11:19:03 AM »
Not necessarily a poem, but this was a prose request from Deviantart.

They asked for written words from the Captain/ Admiral/ future Grand Moff other than Wilhuff Tarkin!!

Hope you enjoy his post order 66 thoughts on the matter.

REMEMBER: Read with the appropriate amount of "R" rolling ;) ha ha ha

Order 66

Data Entry 2246

Wilhuff Tarkin

The Jedi Order has fallen far from its once great prime;
rabble and ruin await.
Their customs and pragmatic beliefs made obsolete by a new order;
lead by virtues of strength and power.

The Jedi Council's leadership in this war was that of a haggard old man..
fumbling blindly in the dark. Their omnipotence crippling beneath its own weight, unable to heed its warnings. In military strategy, the most crucial component to victory is knowing yourself..the Jedi could not honestly face what they had become, THUS they fell victim to it.

Negotiators have their place. In a war, they acted as a means to purchase time for our crushing victory. If we, with such an unbeatable army, are truly willing to placate our foe, their pleas for more and more would hound us until we were rife with our own malcontent.

"Fighting for peace" these "Warrior Monks." Both phrases that depict a mediocre contradiction.

I was almost surprised they did not notice their imminent demise as they, the Jedi, accepted the helm of such a responsibility, "A clone army" to preserve a cracking republic.

Perhaps the masters or high councils saw the risk, but were unable to escape the snare whose price would cost them everything. Perhaps..they were intrigued by the grandeur of it all.

So brilliant was their demise; a game well played.
Their fall in to the abyss spread far and wide.

No fight left in them; no cause for hope. Only remnants which will soon be swept away.

A new weapon will be created soon. One which will be the pinnacle of our message and that will be freedom's bane.
Writer of all things this in that.
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Offline TheIRISH Rogue

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Re: ORDER 66 Poems/ Writings/ Randoms --- 5/27/13
« Reply #18 on: May 27, 2013, 08:40:27 PM »
Order 66

41st Elite Corp.

Commander Faie vs. Quinlan Vos

Fixing targets within my scope,
felling droids with each subtle squeeze of my trigger.
My boot souls cling to the wooden bark as we spring our plan into action,
Outlying branches come alive with elite snipers springing from concealment;
a relentless blue shower of bolts fall upon the droids vacating the waters with little hope.

The struggle for Kashyyyk nears the high water mark,
as trooper, wookie, and droid a like; fire volley after volley.
I stand tall above both sand and leaf,
the beach covered.. strewn with carcass, pelt, mangled debris, and smoke
peace for this planet wouldn't arrive with the coming dark.

The battle wears on with no shortage of thunderous bursts;
muted blasts fall within crystallizing grains of sand.
The struggle for the beach rages even towards its end;
a growing maelstrom of contorted armor and smoldering crafts litter the field.
Looking down to the Juggernaut mounted by General Vos, the enemy falls back dispersed.

Smoke whirling within quiet gusts of wind between leaves,
Thunder fades back beneath the calming waves,
Kashyyyk becoming safer with the fall of each robotic bastion,
My perch aboard a turbo tank gives me sight and hope..this war may yet draw to a close.
The metal plates explode, my body thrown to the forest, helplessly inhaling flame,
my muscles and bones broken, bleeding and fading. Fleeing my gasps heave..

You died in that explosion up on that tank's hull.
Though I've always disliked your kind..and you've hated ours,
Jedi don't die so easily. Your tracks lead through the trees and there I've followed.
We have followed you thus far..and both you and nature have withered my troops in number.
Reveal yourself, or an airstrike will break you, I, and raise this wookie village to a pile of skulls!

From the canopy Vos fell with his ignited green saber in hand,
Faie and his general's eyes met one last time, fiercely targeting one another.
Firing his blaster ..Vos plunged his further saber
The bolt bore its way through Vos' torched side, his knees hitting the forest floor;
Faie fared far worse nearly cleaved in two, crumbling down into the sand.
Writer of all things this in that.
Commissioner of art: Figures, Art, 1/6th Scale.  <-- What's that? Oh cool, stories! ;)

Offline TheIRISH Rogue

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Re: ORDER 66 Poems/ Writings/ Randoms --- 5/28/13
« Reply #19 on: May 27, 2013, 10:56:45 PM »
Another request from DA:

Was also watching ROTS I was sort of already inspired!  ()rr

Order 66

Commander Appo

A speeder abruptly lands upon the landing platform,
"There's been a rebellion!" - "Sir, Its time for you to leave" my sergeant stated,
Pacing forward since I did not recognize his uniform,
Troopers of the 501st working hard to finish the perimeter they created.

For hours we pacified the Jedi,
After fighting a war along their side,
Their positions of peace only a lie,
Our numbers swelled as one by one they fell and died.

"GET HIM!" I heard shouted from behind,
The familiar hum and slash of a saber resonated so close,
A young Jedi cut through a trooper's arm, another's leg, my rifle and chest.
The searing of flesh left me speechless with only my teeth to grind,
My men charging forward shooting him from his toes,
Down he fell ...much like all the rest.

Laying on the cold floor,
Silence except for the breath in my helmet,
These Jedi I've come to deplore,
My eyes grow heavy though..but we've surpassed this gauntlet.

My armor burning,
Cleaved cleanly through,
Vengeance has my heart churning,
Revenge for my brothers..I will see through!
Writer of all things this in that.
Commissioner of art: Figures, Art, 1/6th Scale.  <-- What's that? Oh cool, stories! ;)

Offline TheIRISH Rogue

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Re: ORDER 66 Poems/ Writings/ Randoms --- 5/28/13
« Reply #20 on: May 31, 2013, 12:56:44 PM »
Another request:

Order 66

Battles of Kashyyyk -- Lord Vader

This is how your kind chooses to show respect to my new Empire?!
I created this new regime;
and you dare attempt to resist its change?
..A peace and stability forged with the death of my wife and unborn child..

These wookies were strong against the machines, but are nothing against the fiery wrath of my legions. I will raise your soaring,tall trees to mere heaps of ash and soot. Submit and become an entity within the workforce of the new Galactic Empire or wither away to endure a legacy, barely worth its weight in dust.

The legendary prowess of your kind is a fitting example for the restless populations across the galaxy who have.. trouble adjusting. May this subjugation serve as an example; Submit or Burn in the name of the Emperor.

The path to my rule has been paved in victory. I tracked the catalyst of unrest to a Jedi named Kento Merik. The Jedi are running low on places to hide. Their allies grow thinner and more fragile as the price of hiding their kind becomes too unbearable. Master Marik put fourth a minor struggle; serving better as a means to remove tree bark and bash through his own front door. His son had more fight. Raising this force sensitive child under my tutelage will be the gravest, most perpetrating insult to the foul order that once lived. A Jedi's son, raised a Sith's weapon. His very existence as important as the key which activates my saber.

Fear is not a choice..
It is law,
It is order,
It is your preservation.
Writer of all things this in that.
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Offline wraithnine

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Re: Star Wars Writings / Requests --- 5/31/13
« Reply #21 on: May 31, 2013, 01:53:28 PM »
Excellent work !
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

Offline TheIRISH Rogue

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Re: Star Wars Writings / Requests --- 5/31/13
« Reply #22 on: June 01, 2013, 02:11:02 AM »
Thanks mate! I'm glad to see you commenting.

Where is everybody else? ha ha ha..I guess I should do a custom figure or two. ;)  ()rr
Writer of all things this in that.
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Offline TheIRISH Rogue

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Re: Star Wars Writings / Requests --- 5/31/13
« Reply #23 on: June 14, 2013, 02:10:13 AM »
WROTE this for a contest on Deviant Art so everything else got put on hold temporarily. Hope I win! :p

                        Star Wars

                    -- Falling Rain --
                      Short Story

                  :Exodus of Ara-ty Nokta:

     The three hulking engines of the Consular-class Cruiser, Constitution, heavily vibrated as it decelerated from the safe blue haze of hyperspace. Now at a slight hum, the ship slid effortlessly through space. Aboard was relatively young Jedi Guardian who had excelled through the faceless guardian ranks; his name Shakkra Kien. With him were a number of Jedi auxiliaries who were often sent with a Jedi to support them in unstable situations.

     Their mission, far from routine, was to Jabiim. A civil war has ripped apart the northern hemisphere as warring factions fight over raw resources using desperate measures to undercut one other. Such a loss of life inevitably sent ripples through the force as entire continents died out. Jedi Master Nada Athura had taken his padawan, the young and impulsive Aira-ty Nokta, to quell the hostile factions before the entire planet became a lifeless rock. Effects of the war are worsening the various climate conditions.

     Shakkra Kien slowly paced into the compact bridge of the cruiser. Placing his blue hued hand upon the captaining pilot’s shoulder, the Jedi asked, “Have you been able to break through the storms to make contact?” Turning to see who it was, the captain quickly turned back to monitor his controls, “I’ve tried sir, but with these conditions it’ll be nearly impossible!” The red diplomatic ship pierced the atmosphere, jolting as the dense air and storms began pounding the plates. The blue hand lightly squeezed his shoulder with encouragement,“..Nearly Impossible..”

     Turbulence shook the ship as it neared the planet, shaking it violently while it continued punching through the large thick clouds. Lightning flashed and spread like fingers extending through the sky, illuminating the dark gray thunderheads for seconds at a time. Click clack click..TACK..tic..KHACK! The pitter-patter of rain drops splashing against the windows of the bridge were replaced by loud crackling; hail and sleet battered the hull relentlessly.

     The captain’s resolve was dauntless, “This is some heavy …” his sentence interrupted with an abrupt jostling of his seat. “Steady yourself Captain. This storm tests your very constitution hence the namesake of your ship. Push on!” The Jedi spoke confidently in a hushed voice. The captain’s crew found resolve in his words; driving through the storm as though it was a training challenge.

     Kien sat in a chair behind the captain, securing his safety harness’ clasp. Rolling his eyes back, the Jedi’s eyes closed as he dove into meditation. “Descend captain.” The co pilot turned to face the jedi, his eyes contorted in disbelief. The co-pilot then leaned to the captain, “What the hell is he..” Chuckling the captain gripped his instruments tighter, cutting off his co-pilot mid sentence, “Have you not flown with a Jedi before? Here we gooo.”

     The Constitution heaved towards the surface at a steeper angle. The clouds began to lift while the ship quickened its descent. “SIR, THE TREE LINE!” shouted the co-pilot anxiously. “Level off the ship and look to a clearing in that crevice between the mountains. It is there we shall land captain.” The Jedi spoke assuredly, his eyes opening once again. “Yes sir.” The captain looked to his window and scans to find the spot alluded to by the Jedi.

     The Constitution slowed above a large gap separating the tremendous mountains; lowering itself slowly to the ground with the use of its glowing, blue stabilizing thrusters. Leaves and limbs blew about as the thrusters hurled gusts of wind forcefully into them. The landing gear of the consular ship touched- down upon the surface, sinking partially into the thick gripping muck. Kien disconnected his belt walking purposefully to the hatch way.

     His boots press into the muck of the ground noticing a pair of cloaked figures approaching from the tree line. Bowing his head and protruding horns in acknowledgment of Master  Jedi Athura’s status. Beside him stood a small female, eagerly smiling to meet the new visitor. “Guardian Kien, may I introduce my padawan, Aira-ty Nokta.” Smiling in return, the tall brightly clothed guardian reached to shake her hand. Aira hurried over to the knight wearing her signature smile. “She seems so vibrant” Kien thought to himself. Athura gestured to the bowing guardian to accompany him on a walk toward one of the faction base camps.

     Aira-ty shadowed closely behind her master as he spoke to the newly arrived Jedi.  Athura began, “The situation here is dire...and that is simply put my friend.”
Kien in reply outlined his task ending with an air of frustration in his voice, “That may be, but I am here to collect you and your padawan. You know civil wars are not under our jurisdiction. Its and internal affair and you know it! Why deviate so recklessly from your record?”

     Athura looked adoringly to his young padawan, “Because the most important lessons we must learn cannot be done in a classroom or through meditation. They must be seen, felt, experienced.” The tall Kien pulled the Jedi Master aside and in hushed, edgy tones, sharply questioned, “Why do you take such risks Master?  I fail to..”

     Locking eyes with the horned knight Nada Athura replied, “Don’t you recall a certain Chagrian Jedi doubted by many? I seem to remember how little faith various masters had in your lesser known species. It was I, who reminded them the purpose of accepting the masked service of the guardians, “others above self”. The fact you were identifiable was irrelevant…it was your sacrifice of identity and self for the order’s sake that made the difference.”

     Shakkra Kien’s brow relaxed, accepting the point being made. Master Nada Athura made a habit of taking on the padawans who had more difficult trials. Master Athura’s reached behind Kein’s shoulder guiding him back towards the pupil, “Aira-ty is like you in some ways. She’s rare which leads to bullying and being outcast from others. She jokes and pranks them with good intention, but many do not “see” her. Aira-ty is extremely compassionate towards others. Her sensitivity through the force opens her up to being emotional. I’ve brought her here to teach her how to control and use those emotions in a positive fashion.”

     Kien nodded as he walked beside the young ocean-green haired padawan. “You’re not alone in being alone you know” he spoke as the three walked in a line through the trees and into a heavily defended, but mostly improvised camp.

     The people were impoverished.

     The camp’s leader approached; a clean cut professional politician with a clear military background spoke, “More Jedi? Have you brought an army or are you just another negotiator?” Aira-ty spoke boldly, pouncing on the opportunity to exhibit one of her master’s teachings, “Our presence here is to save lives..not just yours, but the people on the other side too! Wouldn’t you prefer it happen before your war finishes its transformation into a stale rock shadowed by death?” The leader partially stepped back, crossing his arms, his head tilting with a degree of skeptical arrogance.  Master Athura took a step forward toward a holographic table to stand behind Aira-ty, placing his hands on her shoulders in support, “If both sides agree to a ceasefire, it is an effort that must be under taken.”

     Her youthful, round, orange eyes penetrated deep into the commander, “Please, your people are suffering. The pain from this planet is thick enough to hold. Can’t you feel it? Won’t you try?!” Aira-ty’s lip quivered as the last word left her mouth.

“It’s not that simple..” argued commander Granich.

“Do or do not commander. The path is ahead of you. As a leader, you must choose the way.”

    Aira-ty leaned forward in an outburst, her master gripped her shoulders tighter, “What’s the point in leading a planetary system that cripples under its own weight?!..OR it’s people..who are all dead?! HUH?! WHAT?!” Shocked by her cavalier notions, Granich thought to himself for a moment.

    “Though rash, your point is quite true. I’ll set up a meeting, but I warn you…it won’t be the first trap we’ve walked into.”

     While the commanding officers negotiated a neutral rendezvous, the three Jedi sat at the base of a large tree trunk. Leaning against it, Kien observed Aira-ty using the force to manipulate falling rain drops. She playfully entertained the children with innocent tricks, preventing the rain from landing on the heads. The children mirrored her force gestures, thinking they too were capable of suspending rain drops.

     “She’s providing a small reprieve from the hell that slowly engulfs this planet. Though we practice restraint as Jedi, Aira does well..providing a glimmer of hope to these young ones.” Kien remained in silent agreement.

     Somberly, Kien raised his horned head from watching the water manipulation he was toying with in his lap. “We need to leave this place. I feel the balance tipping further from us Master.” The experienced Jedi leaned back, “Time will reveal its lesson Guardian Kien.”

     Commander Granich and a squad briskly appeared from behind a large crumbling structure. “We’re meeting the opposition leaders in the valley at these coordinates.” Looking over his shoulder, Master Athura rose to his feet, watching his padawan hug each child while they were gathered. Aira-ty slowly walked toward her masters, one hand resting on her saber, the other slowly wiping a tear that ran down her cheek.

     The Jedi and commandos boarded four different speeders, accelerating away towards the rendezvous...
Writer of all things this in that.
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Offline TheIRISH Rogue

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Re: Star Wars Writings / Requests --- 5/31/13
« Reply #24 on: June 14, 2013, 02:10:47 AM »
  Upon arrival the soldiers climbed from their hovering vehicles and set up a basic perimeter. The opposition’s delegates arrived shortly after. Both leaders starred with a burning fire at the other. Tensions between the two were all too apparent. Kien grew uncomfortable as he studied the soldier’s tension from both sides.

     The officers of Granich’s forces were far better dressed, groomed, and armed…the oppositions commandos were tired, worn, caked with dirt, heavily scarred, but resolved in their cause. “Master Athura..this war…it’s a game of chess to them..”

“Then it ends now..” the heavily robed older Jedi stated, storming towards the table... where an argument had begun to erupt.

     Words became louder until insults were shouted to and fro. The opposition’s delegate slammed his datapad against the table cracking the screen before pacing a way…with each step his hand began to raise higher in the air….until suddenly it dropped..
A sense overcame Kien forcing him to activate is double bladed golden saber; his eyes frantically searching for an enemy as Granich’s troopers fell to the wet ground around him, impaled by high velocity arrows, pierced through by sniper blasts.

     Aira-ty drew her lightsaber and with an impressive flourish sliced through a number of arrows, knocking them off course to protect those behind. Aira-ty used her fast reflexes, skilled force techniques, and deep connection to those around her in order to block the incoming bolts that whisshhed towards those around her.

     Master Athura charged into the fray placing his hands in the center of his chest, as if he was going to pray. Finger after finger tightened as the force strengthened within him, “AHHHH KKAAAH!” With his voice an incredible force blast emanated from him splintering trees to their core, throwing bodies, and disorienting any others who had managed to keep their footing.

     Athura turned to Granich outreaching his hand, helping him to his feet. Nearly 30 paces away, the opposition’s leader lay on the ground. The veins in his head heavily pulsed as he closed one eye, crawled to his knees, drawing a pistol styled crossbow…aimed…then squeezed the trigger. The high tension of the fiber string hurled the bolt at tremendous speeds.

     Athura ignited his brilliant green blade leaping before Granich whilst slicing the arrow in half as it soared, cutting through the rain that filled the air. The arrow’s tail lay next to Athura’s boot, its momentum had been strong.

“Nice save Master! That was close!” Aira-ty shouted, her foot steps pattering as she jogged to her master’s side. His head turned slightly as he managed a small smile, “too close my dear..”

     A small dark stain grew in the center of his chest with every breath growing into gasps. Granich fell silently upon a wet slippery boulder..rolling slowly to his side, red blood continued to stream down the rock with each pump of his heart. Granich’s eyes twitched with fury..whispering a final word, “vengeance..” before exhaling a final time.

     Athura’s saber splashed after leaving is hand. Crumbling to his knees; Aira-ty barely managed to catch him beneath the arm. Her eyes became glassy releasing tears which were lost amongst the drops of rain streaming down her tender cheeks.

     “Hold on Master! We’ll get you a medic!” “Its too late for that my young one. Now we learn the most poignant lesson of ..of our order. let go” Aira-ty’s smooth face became rife with emotion, wrinkling as eyes closed tight, “Noo Master! You can’t leave me now..please! You’re my protect..”

     Athura placed his pointer and index finger in the center of her chest, halting her whimpers momentarily, “You are your greatest protector. Always have at peace young I…am…” The Jedi master’s eyes closed tenderly; his head falling into Aira-ty’s small shoulder. Aira-ty remained silent amidst the lightning and rain.

     The padawan pulled her master’s hood over his raven black hair to protect it from the water laden soil. Using the force to lift Athura’s body, she placed him on the flat surface of a nearby speeder. His skin which had been fair and pale in life began losing its opacity making his blue veins more visible. As she reverently positioned his body, Guardian Kien approached. His voice piercing through the rain,

“Go placidly amidst the noise and haste remembering what peace there is in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and ignorant, they too have their story. Yours will be remembered in the halls of the Jedi for years and students to come. Be one with the Force Master Nada Athura.”

     Aira-ty stood motionless grasping both sabers in her small hands. Kien felt the emotion swelling within her. Her sadness forming a turmoil of angst and resentment. Aira-ty’s anger was only momentary quickly transforming into hate for the man who murdered her master. She felt it spring through her body! The opposition’s leader picked himself up..his face in horror at the target he had struck. All stood awestruck at the scene that had unfolded.

     Aira-ty quickly spun, her arms behind her ignited both lightsabers! Launching the sabers the blades spun in tight loops quickly towards their target to cleave him into oblivion. Before they could sear flesh, the green blades disappeared..the pommel grips breaking into dozens of pieces which remained suspended in the air. All the pieces flew back towards Aira-ty who ducked out of their way. They passed over heard before reconstituting themselves in the hands of Guardian Kien.

     Cold ice eyes met Aira-ty’s orange glowing glare, “It’s OVER!” Kien thundered. The glare broke apart as her sadness set back into place. She turned back, resting her head on Nada Athura’s motionless chest, his blood pooling in puddles beneath the speeder, “Its only begun...”
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Re: Star Wars Writings / Requests --- 6/14/13
« Reply #25 on: June 14, 2013, 02:13:45 AM »
 Kien’s mind raced to think how to salvage the incident: concerned both for the planet’s civil war, but also troubled by Aira-ty’s close brush with the dark side. Troops on both sides did not dare pick up their weapons fearing the spectacle just witnessed.

     The faction leader approached and kneeled before the Jedi, his speech wavering, “I am Talec Falcrin. My deepest regret for .. your friend. I will surrender my life ..I ..I don’t..I don’t know what to..” His eyes wide, mixed with disbelief, shock, and genuine confusion.

     “This will not be necessary. Tyranny has been cleansed and payment made. The Jedi to not promote assassination, but its is clear Granich’s death was needed..since he was the main proponent. A treaty is made today…OR the Republic will bring harsh sanctions.” “Y-y-yes sir! We will bring it for your eyes to oversee soon Master Jedi!” “I am no master Talec..a guardian..much different.”

     The auxiliary troops which had accompanied Kien circled the speeder to collect the remains of Athura’s body. “Don’ TOUCH HIM!” Aira-ty unleashed. Kien knelt to Aira whom he embraced. “Death is a strong which touches us all.” “I miss him so much already!” Kien whispered into the padawan’s ear, “I know Aira…I know. Let’s get you two home.”

     The war council’s of both sides met hours later surrounding a speeder watching as Kien read through the terms of their ceasefire. Nodding, he passed the tablet back, “My eyes will be on this sector. The planet will grow back and there is hope for your people. Lead them well and..Do not disappoint.”

     Walking up the boarding ramp of the crimson red diplomatic ship, Aira-ty met Kien. Focused, Aira’s stare remained fixed on Talec. “You shouldn’t have disassembled my blades..”

Kien stopped walking up the ramp, “I wouldn’t have…if you had not thrown them. A vengeful execution is what you were committing. Athura leapt in the way of that arrow..a casualty of war with the best intentions. Come Aira.” Aira turned slowly, continuing up the ramp as it closed only glancing back at the harsh rain.

“Lift us off Captain!”

“Yes sir!”

The ship tore through the muddy soil that clung to the gears pulling in to the air towards space. Standing in the bridge, a single beam of sunlight pierced through the clouds. Aira shed a final tear for her fallen master.

“It’s a gift to be so compassionate” Kien spoke.

“It’s a curse to be so compassionate” Aira replied.

So there's that. ha ha. Kept out alot of the frature that occurs with Aira cuz I wanted to keep it on the brief side for the contest. To learn more or see her..follow this link

Sakkra Kien is my OC ---
Writer of all things this in that.
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Offline wraithnine

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Re: Star Wars Writings / Requests --- 6/14/13
« Reply #26 on: June 14, 2013, 04:54:31 AM »
Blake that was excellent mate ! i thoroughly enjoyed the story .
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

Offline TheIRISH Rogue

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Re: Star Wars Writings / Requests --- 6/14/13
« Reply #27 on: June 15, 2013, 07:55:43 AM »
Thanks Jay! I'll let you all know how I fair in the contest.
Writer of all things this in that.
Commissioner of art: Figures, Art, 1/6th Scale.  <-- What's that? Oh cool, stories! ;)

Offline TheIRISH Rogue

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Re: Star Wars Writings / Requests --- 6/20/13
« Reply #28 on: June 19, 2013, 10:41:23 PM »
                             Order 66

                          Barriss Offee

               Lieutenant Galle of the 327th Star Corp.

                      (Pre Clone Wars Canon)

The dusk has come and gone upon Felucia,
Plants and animals a plethora of colors adore their feral nature.
The planet embraced the galaxies plight making every day a struggle on Felucia,
Plants and animals bristling with gnashing teeth, thorns, spikes, poisons,and colors to allure.

Battles raged planet wide,
The Separatists attempting to turn nature's already terrifying wrath against us.
Everyday the struggle brought a chance to turn the tide,
If only we were so fortuitous,
Perhaps not so many of us would have died.

Offee led us towards the water facilities of Har Gau,
Down the thickets to foil a poisonous plot being hatched.
Bravely she strode fourth, hushly beginning our offense with a simple, "Now",
Our detachment hurried fourth unleashing the fury of our might..many of the enemy were quickly dispatched.

The young Jedi executed the plan,
ordering us to retreat bating the foe to follow.
She sneaked in as we falsely ran,
The enemies victorious momentum about to be made hollow.

What's this an order from Commander Bly?
The 66th order. 
She said to fire,
clear of the blast her situation was not dire.

Little did she know our guns were fixed on her,
The ground and her body erupted into flame.
A Jedi's subtle plot to poison ending like this is sure to deter,
these robed knights won't escape the blame.
Writer of all things this in that.
Commissioner of art: Figures, Art, 1/6th Scale.  <-- What's that? Oh cool, stories! ;)

Offline TheIRISH Rogue

  • TheIRISH Rogue
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Re: Star Wars Writings / Requests --- 6/20/13
« Reply #29 on: June 19, 2013, 10:42:48 PM »
                       Reward or Execution

                      The Separatist Council

                         "Final Moments"

War always ends as it often begins.
Soft conspiring words echoing down catacombs, sharp as daggers, and hard at work.
Count Dooku's promises proliferate more than mere ears,
down into the greed filled minds and hearts of those aspiring for greater power.
Selling out the hopes and dreams of those they represented,
cashing in upon those who were left weak by the expansive, weak Republic.
Blue, purple, yellow, green, black, red,
Bloodshed was inevitable.

One man's lure was so tempting,
High positions in a new government separate from the old, stale, taxing, crippled Senate.
Free trade for the coalitions and corporations we control..
as long as we follow orders from Dooku alone.
This coalition created in secret, swelling in size by the hour.
Our droid army larger than any had seen in thousands of years!
By sheer presence we will have our independence..
and if the council deems the acquisition of another system necessary,
we simply.. shall take it.

Two hapless Jedi and single outspoken senator..
far easier it has been to dispose of more important figures.
From all around the Jedi came sabers in hand,
From above an army thunderously poured,
From within our fear already strode.
Could we be undone already at such an infantile stage?
Their army so fast and rapid,
meeting our forces piece for boot.

Three years our creation lasted.
Dead planets, dead clones, crashed ideas -- all lay strewn our wake.
The brink has approached and gone, but on which side do we stand?
Dooku slain, The Chancellor rescued, Grievous cornered, Clone legions surging fourth.
Little room remains for our certainty.
Darth Sidious sends his emissary to discuss our reward.
Optimistic we are, but a minor feeling is yet to be lost.
Where is our place to stand on the precipice that nears?

Mechanical pieces lay rusting across the galaxy.
Simple pawns moved from square to square..not even players of our own game.
Reward or execution,
we know not what awaits except for the name of the messenger..harbinger of our fate..
..Darth Vader enters.

In he came,
the doors sealed behind.
San Hill was first to recognize the familiar face of a hero we had already come to hate.
Stabbing, slashing, cleaving, choking, crippling..
The command center became an execution chamber, a tomb, the end.
Severing heads and limbs from torsos,
crushing our very bodies with a simple gesture.
We stood no chance.
Again we begged, we pleaded, reminding him of promises once made.
Each retort only adding only insult to injury.

Wat Tambor now slumps over the gray conference table,
My confidant from the invasion of Naboo, Rune Haako, falls lifelessly to the floor.
Only when he's finally muted have I heard his advice,
"We should not have made this bargain."
The Republic's hero approaches.
Anger, hate, burning as if I had attacked someone dear to him in years past.
But ..We were to be taken care of...

"The war is over. Lord Sidious promised us peace! We only want—"
Writer of all things this in that.
Commissioner of art: Figures, Art, 1/6th Scale.  <-- What's that? Oh cool, stories! ;)