The Imperial Shipyards

Imperial Creative Engineering => Graphic Artwork => Topic started by: DocOutlands on October 17, 2012, 11:14:36 AM

Title: Opportunity for artists
Post by: DocOutlands on October 17, 2012, 11:14:36 AM
I keep my fingers in a lot of pies and try to cross-pollinate opportunities and ideas where I can. (how's that for mixed-metaphor Wednesday?)  Here's a widely-distributed newsletter/website in the gaming community looking for artists:

Sorry for the intrusion. I'll keep this quick.

One piece of recurring feedback from the 2012 RPT Reader Survey was to include more graphics in newsletters.

I can see why. Great art and photography inspires great GMing.

I get a lot of ideas for NPCs, locations and items just by looking at art. Check out my Pinterest board of Game Master Inspiration ( to see what I mean.

I have a simple idea that will fulfill this great survey feedback and help promote RPG artists at the same time.

If you are an artist, drop me a note and I'll let you know what I've got in mind.

Johnn Four (

--offer to redistribute the above email--

Thanks Michael!

Just have them email me if they're interested.

I'm basically asking to use their artwork in my newsletters in exchange for a mention and link back in the credits section.

That would give artists more exposure and traffic to their sites, and I can source art that's more gamer oriented for the free newsletter.

- Johnn

I've been receiving Johnn's emails for years now and they are always top-notch.  He has a significant following, so if you are looking for some more exposure for your art, I urge you to get in touch with him.