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Star Wars Playsets

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Star Wars Playsets

Starting in 1978 Kenner started releasing playsets to allow kids to build new adventures with in the Star Wars universe. Finally ending the line with a total of 15 different playsets.
Some were mass market while others such as the Cantina Adventure Playset were exclusive offerings through Sears.
The full list is:
Cantina Adventure Playset
Cloud City  
Creature Cantina  
Darth Vader's Star Destroyer
Death Star
Droid Factory
Ewok Village
Hoth Ice Planet
Imperial Attack Base
Jabba the Hutt Playset
Jabba’s Dungeon
Land of the Jawas
Rebel Command Center
Turret and Probot

Of those listed, the following were Sears exclusives with the dates of release.

Cantina Adventure Set (1979)
Rebel Command Center (1981 )
Cloud City Playset (1981 )
The Jabba the Hutt Dungeon  version 1(with  8D8, Nikto, and Klaatu  released in 1983)
The Jabba the Hutt Dungeon version 2(with Amanaman, Barada, EV-9D9 released in 1984 )

(pics will be added of each item)

I dont remember either the cloud city one or the rebel command center. does anyone have pics of these?

I will be adding boxed pics of all the items for yha. buthere is a sneak peak of the CC playset

Wait a minute, so there's THREE versions of the Jabba's dungeon playset?  ::)

Other than the figure assortment, is there any difference between the 3? Are the base, sticker, etc all identical?

Perfect timing on this...I am in the process of buying my remaining missing ones up now. (Which actually is pretty much all of them since even the ones I had were incomplete)

Back in the day I missed on the Command Center and Cloud City sets too. It was kind of hard keeping up with all the exclusives when I was like, 10 years old.

There's 2 versions of the Dungeon and there is a differnce
The first release was through Sears in 83, it had a blueish base and came with  8D8, Nikto, and Klaatu, 
the second was in 1984 and had a grey base, and came with the  POTF figs Amanaman, Barada, EV-9D9


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