Kenner / Hasbro Collecting > Vintage

What was the best score you got so far


For me about 5 years ago I saw a lot of 4 SW figs on ebay, 3 were Jar Jar binks, and 1 was a ROTJ Biker, all carded, I bought it for something just over 5 bucks and it turned out to be a short mouthed scout,  That was the talk of Scum for a while. 

What was one of your best scores

For me so far it has been a 10 dollar incomplete walker that took another 20 dollars of parts to complete, but still a great deal!

For me, it would have to be the incomplete Rebel Troop Transport that I bought from a vendor at Wizard World Chicago for $10, and then had it completed by that SAME vendor who opened a store in my town for free a couple years later!  I'm talking 100% complete, too.  The backpacks, masks, guns, everything!

Darth Aussie:
Vintage Darth Vader carrycase filled with loose vinty figs.......$50 AUD....

hmm, I got two terrordromes for 30 bucks and had most of the parts in my fodder bin to make a 90% complete one, woot!

Then I got an atte for 13 bucks, still in box last summer when they first started hitting, lol.


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