Imperial Creative Engineering > Models, Scratch Builds, and Miscellaneous

DL-44 repaint


I found this in my basement tonight. It's a DL-44 blaster that's a squirt gun, which I had when I was a kid. I just did a quick repaint and made it a bit more real looking. I repainted the orange on the scope black, and painted the tip of the gun silver. I also painted the knob looking parts silver as well. Finally I dry brushed the gun with some black to give it a used look. I also super-glued the black piece on the handle. That's where you would fill it up with water, after all these years it was coming loose very easily.

I just wanted to give it a bit of a replica feel and I'm quite happy with how it turned out.

Looks great

Very nice! Time to get this on the front page. FB is acting wonky, but the fp for sure!

Really cool !

Looks excellent mate well done.



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