Author Topic: Gentle Giant Hoth Liea Issue  (Read 1095 times)

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Gentle Giant Hoth Liea Issue
« on: September 29, 2010, 06:11:54 PM »
I don't know how many of you have pre-ordered or are in the process of getting the new regular version of the Hoth Liea Mini Bust, but I wanted to pass on some knowledge I have gleaned lately.

First off, the Hoth Leia pictured on the box is not the Leia that you will get out of the package. There is one very damaging change, imo, about it and that is it comes with an Imperial Blaster! Yepper, somehow LucasFilm gave GG some Bespin Leia images to go off with this and either GG or Lucasfilm didn't approve it with the regular rebel blaster and substituted an imperial one. There is lots of conjecture about who is to blame, some point the fingers at Lucasfilm while some point them at GG.  When I emailed GG about it I did get a return reply that said it did indeed come with an Imperial Blaster even though the box and the COA  it comes in shows the Rebel Blaster. I doubt we will ever find out who was at fault, but please be aware of this if you do indeed get the regular version.

The good news is that the Mynock version, which is basically the Hoth Liea with just the breather mask, does come with the Rebel Blaster so all is well. I also had this confirmed by one of our Site sponsors who was kind enough to open the box and check it. Thanks Jason if you are reading this. Pat is also looking into this a bit and hopefully will chime in if he finds out anything, but it seems the whole Blaster fiasco is not to be talked about. Post your thoughts and did anyone buy the regular version?