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Tamer's Bloggy Blog Blog

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Well here we go again! It has been an interesting time as usual. I still don't seem to have enough time to do what I want to do, but thats life. My little gal has discovered how fun her wading pool is and I see to spend my day coming up with excuses to try and get her to wait till evening when the sun is not so hot.

I sold my old truck on ebay and now I am eagerly awaiting the release of the 2009 Tacomas so I can try and get a better deal on a 2008 new one. Man those things ain't cheap. Ofcourse I want the one with the offroad package and that is making the price go up a bit. The color I like it hard to find too. We are also thinking about trying to sell our Liberty and use that money to buy a small four door sedan so we don't have to spend all of our paychecks on gas. Daggone it is getting expensive.

I am so close to being done with my dio case. I just need a couple trim boards and some quarter round and I am ready to show it off. I have all my ships in it, but don't know what I am gonna do when the Clone Wars ships hit.

My wife is still having issues with her stomach or something in that area. We have been to the doc numerous times and just got back from the emergency room yet again last evening. She goes for yet another test on Wednesday. This will once and for all rule out her gall bladder. If its not that then we move onto more specialists.

Time for an update:

1. Laura's gall bladder test came back negative and they gave her some antispasmodic stuff and it seems to be working so far. So thats the best news!

2. I got a lot of home projects done and replaced my hotwater tank, my heating duct, installed new drain line, reorganized my basement, planted a garden, starting cabinet work on the office area of the den, and am starting to clear off some land for my garage! Progress all the way around.

3. I downloaded xp service pack 2 so now my webcam is ready to go, watch for my mugg on windows messenger!

4. My little girl has taken over my loose ship collection and they are now "her" ships. She is still too young to play with em unsupervized, but she sure does like that potf 2 FX Xwing I have.

5.  It is only about a month away till I can start whining again about all the stuff hiting! :'(

Time for a quick update;

1. Went camping and that was fun. Gal caught her first fish and loved the whole experience.

2. Busy as all get out trying to get ready to go to the beach, learning web stuff, and getting home chores done.

3. Went to a funeral for a close cousin yesterday and have another one to go to today for my wife's great uncle. Her grandfather is now the last of the line.

4. Wife's abdominal pain hit again on Monday. Got her some heavy duty pain pills till we can get more tests and test results back. She is doing a lot better than Monday. Told her we might want to stay home from the beach this year and if looks could kill I would be dead so I guess we are still going.

5. Need to get my surf fishing stuff ready and yard work done. I just don't have enough time, but I will be out of town starting Saturday and all next week guys. Hold down the fort.

Sounds like a good time on the beach coming up for you, Shawn. Man, I wish your wifey's tummy trouble would straighten out.

She has three different docs working on it and has had all kinds of tests so far and still nothing.  Hopefully between the three of them they can figure it out. She seems to be really doing great today though. 


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