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A Day In The Life of The Phat Kid

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So, I'm on vacation still until Thursday, and my intention was to put in a fence in part of my yard for the dogs.  I bought the materials, had them delivered Monday so I could begin and be done by Wednesday at the latest.  However, I found out Sunday night that you need a permit to build a fence (I thought you only needed a permit if it was over 6' tall or an enclosed structure), and so I applied for one Monday morning...only to find out it takes a few days to a week to get the permit back.  So now, all of the materials are just sitting in my garage, and the weather is simply gorgeous, and I can't do a freaking thing...

Its always the case you get fired up for a project, then poop happens, great big pile of it usually.

They are pretty lenient about the permit thing around here. I think most of the neighbors built their fences without one and I didnt get one to build my deck 3 years ago. If I were to ever finish my basement, I would have to get one.

The biggest thing I learned about the whole permit thing was...I'm not getting one again.  There was no point in it at all!

On another note, and a serious one at that, here is a public safety message: When visiting the beach, and the lifeguards tell you to stay out of the water, and the waves are 4'-6' high, STAY THE HELL OUT OF THE WATER, YOU WILL DIE!!!!  I'm not kidding either.  The taller the waves, the stronger the undertow, and stronger the riptide.  What happens is, sandbars travel parallel to the shore.  When strong currents exist, it creates a gap in a sandbar, where there is a strong undertow, taking things from the shore out into deeper waters.  Riptides travel parallel along the outside of the sandbar, so when the undertow takes you out past the sandbar, the riptide will take you and keep you underneath the sandbar.  You will drown.  It's not a question of if, but when.  Yesterday, I had to go out and look for the 2nd kid in a month who came to Indiana from Chicago, didn't know how to swim, and because the lifeguards told them to stay out of the water, they just went further down the beach where there were no lifeguards, and drowned.  The waves were so bad, we almost tipped our boat twice, rolled our waverunner multiple times, and were unable to put rescue divers in the water.  And when we have to call off the search because the wake is too bad, and it gets too dark, it's the families who yell and scream for us to do something.  So, in conclusion, listen to the lifeguards, they know what they're saying, and it's for your safety.

Darth C:
Couldn't have said it better.  Riptides are nothing to mess around with, especially if you don't know how to swim.


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