General Collecting > GI Joe

Lucasclones's Massive Vintage GIJoe haul

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I decided to make a new thread for this rather then posting in the "Recent Joe Purchases Haul" for a few reasons. One:  even though this was a recent purchase non of these figures are by no means recent and two: I figured I could do a mini review of each figure as I post them to fill you guys who may not be familiar with these characters (especially you young whipersnappers) as to what made them so great.

So, to start I must say that I got a great deal on this haul roughly around 50 figures mostly complete and in very near mint condition. These were all mostly post '86 era Joes so you wont see Duke, Flint, Lady J and Roadblock like in the new Retaliation movie.

I will begin with my all time favorite vintage cobra trooper figure... the Alley Viper.

The ALLEY VIPERS are the Cobra equivalent of a police S.W.A.T. unit or British S.A.S. (Special Air Service). They form the spearhead of Cobra's inner-city invasion forces. This elite contingent of marauders are true masters of brutality, possessing a style of ruthlessness not present in other Cobra soldiers! Recruited from Cobra's most diabolical combat divisions, Alley Vipers use various forms of treachery to achieve their objectives! In order to graduate from their training program, they are required to survive a full burst of machine gun fire across their frontal body armor, execute a thirty foot jump onto concrete with full combat load and run down a hundred meter gas-filled corridor without a gas mask!

"Alley-Vipers are big and strong as well as ruthless! Their body armor alone weighs 50 pounds and they carry at least 30 pounds of weapons, ammo, grenades and climbing gear. You definitely don't want one of these gorillas running up and kicking your door down!"

-From the file card
He is pretty much Mint. Only way to get him better is to go back in time and pick him up off the pegs.
I remember getting him and thinking the neon was too much, but as time went on it grew on me to where now he is so awesome. Here is a link to all his details on Yojoe if you want to know more about him:

I will be posting these guys a little at a time. Hope you enjoy the posts.

I really love Alley, on paper it shouldn't look so cool but it really is awesome.  Who'd thunk blue and orange would work on an action figure. 

I think it looks great. Look for me to spotlight these on the front page if you don't Chad.

Bubba Fett:
This is taking me back to my childhood. I look forward to seeing more in this thread.

You and me both buddy. There is just something about these old toys even though I am totally hooked onthe modern designs of figures I still love these.

Ok next up is Outback:
Outback is just one of those all time awesomely designed character and toy. From the removable flashlight and webbing to the headsculpt and the great backstory on the file card:

He is just one of my all time favorite Joes. My favorite story about outba ck was in this issue of special missions:
In Borovia, Outback has just slipped down through a sewer grate. Above him is the injured Snow Job and Quick Kick with Stalker protecting them, he has just been ordered by Stalker to leave his teammates behind. The mission that they were on has gone very wrong and Colonel Ratnikov's Army has surrounded the Joe team.
Outback's new mission is to escape and report back to Hawk what really happened. As Stalker, Snow Job and Quick Kick are loaded up into a truck to be taken to a gulag prison; Outback takes off down the sewer. Col. Ratnikov realizes that Outback is missing and has his soldiers begin searching for him, including the sewers.
Using a compass and a Michelin guide Outback makes his way to the outskirts of the city. Ratnikov orders his troops to fill the sewers with gas and light it up. Outback sensing that something is wrong climbs out of the sewer just as the flames go past him. His exit brings him to a market, where he steals some clothing to disguise himself, makes a deal with a chicken farmer to buy his truck and takes off out of the city towards the border.
Col. Ratnikov has closed the border and intensified the search for Outback. His soldiers discover the chicken farmer, who then agrees to help Ratnikov find Outback.
Driving along, Outback sees a hitchhiker thinking it is better to travel with another person he picks up the hitchhiker. The hitchhiker pulls gun on Outback and threatens to kill him. As the truck is headed down a hill, Outback slams on the breaks forcing the hitchhiker into the window, just to make sure Outback slams his head into the window a couple more times. He then jumps out of the truck as it goes off the road.
Col. Ratnikov and the chicken farmer are in a helicopter when they spot the crashed truck. After landing, they follow a blood trail that Outback has left behind. The blood trail leads to Outback laying face down in the snow. As they approach the body, Outback jumps up from the side catching Ratnikov off guard. He had set a trap using his clothing to look like he was dead. He then takes Ratnikov's clothing and they climb in the helicopter and he destroys the helicopter's compass. Guiding the chopper with his personal compass, he guides the helicopter to a specific area and then jumps out of with a parachute.
Outback has guided them to the border, not realizing that they have crossed the border's air space the helicopter is blown up with Ratnikov inside it. The border guards then capture Outback, who asks to see the American Consul.
Summary by Josh Eggebeen

Hope you guys enjoy, back in a few days with more


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