Author Topic: LF Help with casting helm in Instant Mold and Milliput  (Read 1549 times)

Offline bubbavader

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LF Help with casting helm in Instant Mold and Milliput
« on: December 26, 2016, 11:29:34 PM »
Hello hello,

I am new to customs and casting and have been failing forward so far.  Failure is a good learning tool, as is good instruction. Due to availability, workspace and toxicity issues, I have settled on the local equivalent of Instant Mold and Milliput as my mold/cast mediums of choice (if I could get Siligum here, I'd add that and Super Sculpey). 

So far I have only had one evening of molding and casting and the results have been poor, but I am satisfied with my progress. 

My first mold and cast was a two part pressure molded 2015 Fett Backpack which ended up slightly off register and too heavy (will use aluminum core in the future):

Second was a modified Clone Pilot Helmet that has been my prototype for practicing customizing.  Note I made a two part mold with the seam horizontally across the middle, lol.

It turned out ok though, just ugly:

Does anyone have any advice on casting helms Instant Mold and Miliput?  I think casting inverted in a two part mold (front and back) with possibly a 3rd part (plug) might be best.  However, one would need to build the lego box and molds together, which is different than a silicone pour.