Imperial Creative Engineering > Custom Questions

Head idea


Hey guys, I'm looking to do a custom of Kerra Holt and wondering if anyone can recommend a head I don't have to paint. I tried looking at some Lady Jaye's but didn't see a good fit. Any other recommendations in the 3.75" size?

Here's a reference pic:

She is petite but have you seen the marvel universe Wasp fig?
Her hair looks similar.

I don't think that Agent Helix is too far off either. I see that body used often, bet there are heads out there too.

Also, she looks a lot like Nick Fury's Assistant on the Helicarrier too, I forget her name though.

Is Nick Fury's assistant Maria Hill? I only saw a 6" of that one unless I'm wrong. Oh there is a two pack one with Iron Man. Agent Helix is the closest hair for sure, but I'm not digging the face match. Wasp seems just too nice looking.

Thanks for the help with these! I'll have to think about it. Any other suggestions while I'm at it?

Any tips on swapping these heads with a Star Wars head?


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