Imperial Creative Engineering > Custom Questions

Paint rub on joints.

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So I hope I'm not asking a dumb question everyone knows the answer to but me. How do I reduce the paint rub on my figures? Some of them I keep in static poses, but others I occasionally change there posture, go for a nice dynamic pose. once I bend the arm or leg, any paint that was there, moves with the joint, leaving the figures looking less than stellar. Can anyone point me in the direction of a decent tutorial?

Figure Realm has a particularly great thread on the subject. I hope it helps!

We are gearing up a new podcast season of CAFN and I think this topic would be a great one to start out with.

I know that a lot of folks do some serious joint sanding, which is a pain, but is about the only fool proof way to ensure that the paint stays on.

Smeagol- thanks I'll check their forums out and see where it gets me

Tamer- I haven't tried sanding the joints yet, with my sausage fingers, not sure I'd be all that successful. I would love it if you guys covered this topic on the podcast

I use minimal amounts of matching colored sharpies, the ink is thin enough to where it won't wear, but they shine and can be sticky is why to keep it to a minimal amount. Lately I've been using a sharpie brush I found, but don't know if they still make them. Problem still stands when I can't get a matching color though...


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