Imperial Creative Engineering > Graphic Artwork

Hasbro Modelling Sessions **UPDATE 10-23-2010**

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Art deWhill:
So here it comes, my first post regarding my love for doing digital "painterly" composites as I call them.  I am not a photorealistic guy - I cannot do such things - I am a painter, still in love with tradtitional arts where BTW I use Hasbro figures as models, too, so my composites have to look like a painting more than a photo or screencapture.
"Daddy, the 501st is my favorite legion, you have to do a picture with them..." my son told me. To be honest, he calls almost every legion or siege his favorite, but why not use his trooper to set up this scene. Thanks for looking, C + C always welcome.

Luke Sprywalker:
Well I just said I couldn't wait to see your images and you have quickly delivered. Let me say hasbro figures have never looked so good. I see what you mean about them looking like a painting as I can really see that in some areas like the trooper on the left but the trooper in the center looks very realistic to me. Awesome work and please go ahead and hit me with a few more of these. I have a feeling you are holding back on us and building suspence to unveil more awesomeness... ;)

Wow, looks great. It does look like a painting.

Art deWhill:
thank you for your thoughtful and kind words  :D
ha, of course I am holding back the best I made so far, who am I - I will never kill all joy  ;D

to explain the "painterly" character maybe a bit more here is another one, Hasbro Ben Kenobi, straight forward and simple but with a heavy paintjob on the face to make the figure look like Sir Alec Guinness. To me the tension lies in the dialogue of areas that look more like a painting than others, which reveal the toy character more or less... ah, forget about this blabla, here goes the image:

Art deWhill:
here comes another one, as always C+C welcome
for the background I altered a screenshot from the movie, the figures where shot on a window board with cold light coming from outside the window, the warm light was provided via desktop lamp.


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