Imperial Review > Sideshow

Stormtrooper 12" Exclusive

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Here's my review of the 12" Exclusive Stormtrooper from Sideshow Collectibles...

Paint looks great, some nice details.  Only problem was, they made the boots look dirty, the rest of the armor clean...

Accessories are short and sweet!  Not a bunch of crap that's unnecessary

Display looks great!  I am a lot happier with this one than I thought I might be.  Their first fully armored form, and I'm pretty happy with it.

looks awesome Pat. I like the new guide too. Man, I wish I had your photo editing skills!

The SS stormie is a cool figure indeed. It has it's pros and cons but I'm glad I got mine

It looks pretty cool. :o

B.R. Steel:
I like mine too; but the figure has it's problems.  The first thing I did was reshape the chest armor so it didn't look so bloated.  Plus, mine had some really loose joints that annoyed me.  I was able to tighten them up a bit. 


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